Disaster Response

Photo essay: Devastation of Hurricane Matthew from the Caribbean to the Carolinas

Synod disaster responders visit Haiti and the Carolinas in the wake of Hurricane Matthew to assess and broaden aid to victims.

Visits help disaster responders plan further aid for Hurricane Matthew victims

Synod disaster responders visit victims to assess the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew amid flooding in the Carolinas and an outbreak of cholera in Haiti.

Video: Harrison gives overview of hurricane response

President Harrison gives an overview of the Synod’s response to Hurricane Matthew, which includes aid to victims in both Haiti and the Synod’s Southeastern District.

Photo gallery: Hurricane Matthew strikes Haiti

View photos of the devastation in Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew by LCMS Communications Photojournalist Erik Lunsford, who traveled there with LCMS Disaster Response Director Ross Johnson Oct. 10-13, as the Synod looks to further aid to the hardest-hit areas of Haiti’s southern peninsula.

Video: Hurricane Matthew Update

LCMS disaster-relief responders and Southeastern District leaders assess the flooding damage and danger in the Carolinas.

Disaster responders visit areas hit hardest by hurricane to further aid efforts

Synod disaster responders visit victims to assess the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew amid flooding in the Carolinas and an outbreak of cholera in Haiti.

Prayer for all who suffer after Hurricane Matthew

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod offers the following prayer for all those who suffer in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. Pastors may use the prayer in congregations, and all are invited to include these victims in personal prayers.

Disaster responders plan more aid for victims of Hurricane Matthew

Disaster responders look to provide food, water, spiritual care and roofs for Haiti’s victims of the hurricane while assessing the full impact of the storm.

Photo essay: Christ’s mercy after Baton Rouge flooding

Lutherans are glad to help in the cleanup after August floods that impacted about 40,000 area homes, including those of Lutherans.

Disaster responders to deliver aid, await full impact of Hurricane Matthew

LCMS disaster responders send relief to Haiti after Hurricane Matthew hits there and monitor the storm’s path as it heads for the United States.

Free devotional from LCMS Disaster Response

This devotional booklet is intended for anyone who is suffering from the brokenness of this world. Whether you have been affected by a natural disaster or other trauma, whether your life is extraordinary or you are struggling with normal stress, this is a devotional booklet for you.

Free booklet from LCMS Disaster Response

Trusting in His Love – Even when we don’t understand what’s going on around us.

Pilger sanctuary dedication, 101st anniversary — joy follows disaster

St. John’s Lutheran Church, disaster responders and Synod leaders reflect on tornado recovery and Christ’s mercy.

Gospel’s centrality key to BNM’s work in new triennium

Meeting in St. Louis Sept. 8-9, the Synod’s Board for National Mission hears reports on all 18 ministries of the LCMS Office of National Mission.

Video: Baton Rouge Disaster Response Update

Generous gifts from people across the Synod allowed LCMS Disaster Response to assist congregations, districts and volunteer organizers in delivering Christ’s mercy to those most impacted by severe flooding in Baton Rouge in August 2016.

Photo gallery: LCMS responds to flooding in Baton Rouge, La.

In the aftermath of severe flooding in Baton Rouge in August 2016, generous gifts from across the Synod allowed LCMS Disaster Response to assist congregations, districts and volunteer organizers in delivering Christ’s mercy to those most impacted by the tragedy.