Matthew Harrison

‘God’s phenomenal grace’ — a retrospective on Robert Kuhn

A look back on the ministry of the Rev. Dr. Robert T. Kuhn — from parish service to “final” retirement.

Lutherans to provide help for persecuted Christians, refugees

The Synod establishes a fund for donations from those who want to help with LCMS mercy ministry and human-care efforts for refugees.

Harrison urges members to join Sept. 12 ‘Day of Remembrance’

Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison invites LCMS Lutherans to gather in prayer for the “Day of Remembrance” for aborted children.

Esget succeeds Kuhn as LCMS sixth vice-president

The Rev. Christopher Esget (right) of Alexandria, Va., represents the LCMS East-Southeast Region as sixth vice-president of the Synod, after the resignation of the Rev. Dr. Robert Kuhn (left).

Fire damages Harrison residence

“I’m so grateful we were not injured,” LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison says of his family after the July 29 accidental fire at their house.

Harrison releases letter on landmark Supreme Court ruling

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison responds to the U.S. Supreme Court’s June 26 same-sex marriage ruling.

A Holy Week message from President Matthew Harrison

The world must surely think we’ve lost our marbles when, in the liturgy for Good Friday, the words ring out: “We adore You, O Lord, and we praise and glorify Your resurrection. For behold, by the wood of the cross joy has come into all the world.”

The Gospel of Christ Shall Fly Forth

The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, shares both the history of LCMS missionary work, and looks to the exciting future as LCMS missionaries continue to share the Gospel of Christ around the globe.

Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison Letter: The Time to Act

Our D.C. office will produce significant briefs on vital topics, such as the two kingdoms teaching. It will provide contact with LCMS elected officials, as well as encouragement and training for LCMS members (and other Lutherans) interested in running for office or serving in government. It will be a locus for the many young LCMS staffers who serve in D.C. and who are marvelous and active Christians.

Harrison issues statement on 42nd Roe v. Wade anniversary

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison asks Lutherans to join him “in praying for life: that our Lord would put an end to abortion.”

Latest Ebola aid: travel scholarships for medical professionals

The Africa travel funds of up to $2,500 each — for airfare, lodging and food — are available to the first 20 applicants.

Board of Directors marks progress on Wittenberg Project

Work is expected to be complete in time for the building’s dedication planned for May.

Harrison encourages LCMS to ‘not grow weary’ in public square

“We can’t step back. We must participate,” LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison says during a Nov. 13 “Free to Be Faithful” webinar.

LCMS supports medical professionals in Ebola fight

ST. LOUIS, November 14, 2014—Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison announced today a new initiative to deliver aid to combat the spread of Ebola.

Prayer walk inspires hope of renewal for College Hill residents

Dozens of people — including some 50 residents of the struggling community — come together for a “Prayer and Praise Walk” Oct. 17.

Harrison to host free Nov. 13 webinar

The LCMS president will discuss the Lutheran understanding of the two kingdoms and field questions on topics addressed by the Synod’s “Free to Be Faithful” campaign.