Matthew Harrison

Harrison issues statement on 42nd Roe v. Wade anniversary

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison asks Lutherans to join him “in praying for life: that our Lord would put an end to abortion.”

Latest Ebola aid: travel scholarships for medical professionals

The Africa travel funds of up to $2,500 each — for airfare, lodging and food — are available to the first 20 applicants.

Board of Directors marks progress on Wittenberg Project

Work is expected to be complete in time for the building’s dedication planned for May.

Harrison encourages LCMS to ‘not grow weary’ in public square

“We can’t step back. We must participate,” LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison says during a Nov. 13 “Free to Be Faithful” webinar.

LCMS supports medical professionals in Ebola fight

ST. LOUIS, November 14, 2014—Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison announced today a new initiative to deliver aid to combat the spread of Ebola.

Prayer walk inspires hope of renewal for College Hill residents

Dozens of people — including some 50 residents of the struggling community — come together for a “Prayer and Praise Walk” Oct. 17.

Harrison to host free Nov. 13 webinar

The LCMS president will discuss the Lutheran understanding of the two kingdoms and field questions on topics addressed by the Synod’s “Free to Be Faithful” campaign.

BIM calls 10 career missionaries

The LCMS Board for International Mission moves to help fill the 2013 Synod convention mandate to double the number of career missionaries by 2016.

COP meeting spotlights training, mercy, outreach, mission

The Sept. 20-23 meeting of the LCMS Council of Presidents involves a lot more than oversight of administrative issues.

BNM extends its first call to Sutterer

Such calls to specialized pastoral ministers are possible with adoption of Resolution 2-15B by delegates to the 2013 Synod convention.

International representatives spiritually prepare for disaster

The LCMS International Disaster Response Conference involves 170 pastors and lay leaders from five continents.

Concordia, Chicago, celebrates Gard inauguration, 150 years

The university celebrates its 150th anniversary in conjunction with Rev. Dr. Daniel Gard’s inauguration as president.

Synod pledges more aid to fight Ebola

In Oct. 7 letters to congregations and district presidents, Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison shares the church body’s plan to continue fighting the disease “for the long haul.”

Vannarith: Christ can take Cambodia ‘from killing field to living field’

The Rev. Vannarith Chhim and LCMS, LCC leaders sign an agreement for cooperative work in Cambodia.

Report updates progress on convention actions

The update focuses mainly on those resolutions adopted by delegates to the 2013 Synod convention that require specific, ongoing action.

‘Be Lutheran,’ Harrison encourages collegians in tweet chat

For the tweet-chat discussion in its entirety, go to #lcmspresident on Twitter or on Twubs.