
Official notice: Colloquies (March 2020)

A listing of those who have completed — or submitted applications for — teacher or pastor colloquies in the Synod.

Official notice: LCMS districts (March 2020)

Updates from LCMS districts.

Items wanted, available (March 2020)

Wanted this month is an organ. Available are hymnals.

RSO update (June-Dec. 2019)

A listing of new LCMS Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs), those whose RSO status has been renewed and those whose RSO status has been removed.

Statement of nominations: President, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

Forty-four individuals have been nominated as candidates for election as the 11th president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis,

Official notice: Audits and summary budgets (Feb. 2020)

Audits and summary budgets are available for the LCMS, LCEF, the LCMS Foundation, all 35 LCMS districts and Concordia Publishing House.

Official notice: Office of the Secretary (Feb. 2020)

Balloting to amend the LCMS Constitution has begun, with a deadline of March 16, 2020, for ballots to be received in the Office of the Secretary.

Positions (Feb. 2020)

Positions are available with the Concordia University System.

Official notice: Requests for reinstatement (Feb. 2020)

A listing of those who have applied or been approved for reinstatement to LCMS rosters.

Official notice: Colloquies (Feb. 2020)

A listing of those who have completed — or submitted applications for — teacher or pastor colloquies in the Synod.

Official notice: LCMS districts (Feb. 2020)

Updates from LCMS districts.

Items available, wanted (Feb. 2020)

Available this month are hymnals, choir music and banners.

Positions (Jan. 2020)

Positions are available with the Concordia University System.

Official notice: Requests for reinstatement (Jan. 2020)

A listing of those who have applied or been approved for reinstatement to LCMS rosters.

Colloquies (Jan. 2020)

A listing of those who have completed — or submitted applications for — teacher or pastor colloquies in the Synod.

Official notice: LCMS districts (Jan. 2020)

Updates from LCMS districts.