LHM boost pushes Ablaze! contacts to 1.6 million

By Paula Schlueter Ross St. Louis-based Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) has joined the Ablaze! Gospel-sharing effort in a big way, adding more than 1.4 million “contacts” to the Web-based counter over the past four months, bringing the total number to…

CPH to revise new edition of `Concordia`

Concordia Publishing House will revise Concordia: The Lutheran Confessions, A Reader’s Edition following a decision from the LCMS Commission on Doctrinal Review to revoke doctrinal certification of the first edition published in 2005. In a March 16 memo distributed through…

Soggy schools determined to meet challenges of flood

By Kim Krull No classes have met at St. John Lutheran School in New Orleans since September, but Principal Bethany Gonski never has been busier.   Instead of teaching students and leading faculty, Gonski scurries to find funding for new…

Using `GoodSearch` can earn money for LCMS groups

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League has a reputation for raising big money through little donations — more than $80 million in its 60-year history, raised primarily by thousands of members who fed their cardboard “mite boxes” with spare change. Now,…

Missouri Lutherans help mid-March tornado victims

By Joe Isenhower Jr. Although the weather service reported at least 37 tornado touchdowns in Missouri March 11-13, no LCMS congregation members were known to have been killed or severely injured. But pastors and congregations in the affected areas are…

U.S. Missions center offers `planter training`

The Center for U.S. Missions in Irvine, Calif., is offering “Basic Mission Planter Training” July 24-28 at Concordia University, Irvine. The weeklong session prepares “church planters” in the basics of a mission plant, affirms them in their role as “planters,” connects…

Laborers For Christ seeks 100 new workers

By Paula Schlueter Ross Laborers For Christ (LFC) is gearing up for a busy year and can use as many as 100 new people with “a heart for ministry” to help congregations throughout the country tackle building projects. The Synod’s church-construction group,…

Southern Illinois delegates re-elect Mueller

Delegates to the 54th LCMS Southern Illinois District convention, Feb. 23-25 in Collinsville, re-elected Rev. Herbert Mueller of Waterloo to his fifth term as president and boosted the financial goal for congregations supporting the district’s partnership with the Lutheran Church…

Event to focus on helping abuse victims

An April 25-26 conference in Seattle for church workers and others interested in helping children and spouses who have been victims of domestic abuse will concentrate on faith issues raised by domestic volence and abuse and strategies for addressing them.…

Concordia Seminary hosts photo exhibition

“Confessions,” a photography exhibition by Gina Edwards, will be on display in the Library Art Gallery of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, through May 19. The exhibition of black-and-white photography explores the fundamental beliefs of Lutheran doctrine.  The exhibit features three cohesive…

Columnist Cal Thomas to speak at St. Louis seminary

Cal Thomas, a 35-year veteran of broadcast and print journalism, will deliver the eighth annual Hubert L. Dellinger Jr. Lecture at 7 p.m. Sept. 19 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. The lecture, to be held in the seminary’s Clara and…

Maier to take part in `Da Vinci Code` seminar

LCMS Second Vice President Dr. Paul L. Maier is one of four speakers to be featured in “The Da Vinci Code Evangelism Training,” a 90-minute video seminar to be broadcast via satellite March 28 and April 28 by the Church…

Seminary`s Siemon-Netto: get involved, serve others

By Paula Schlueter Ross Journalist, college professor, and seminary scholar-in-residence Dr. Uwe Siemon-Netto has a message for all Lutherans, especially laypeople: strive to become what Martin Luther called “God’s cooperators” in this world — get involved and serve others in…

Notice to promote to continuing-level (tenure)

The Board of Regents of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., proposes to nominate Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz to the electors for promotion to a continuing-level (tenure) appointment status.  Correspondence regarding this proposal should be directed to the undersigned within…

Requests for reinstatement

JAMES BAUMAN, Glenview, Ill., has applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.  Correspondence regarding this application should be directed to the undersigned for receipt no later than April 5. DARYL H. ETHERIDGE, Adrian,…

Commentary: Where are the children?

By Judith Christian Will Our Children Have Faith? is the title of a book written in 1976 by John Westerhoff, a well-known author and lecturer on topics pertaining to the church’s educational mission and ministry.  Today, 30 years later, the…