Notice to promote to continuing-level (tenure)

The Board of Regents of Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., proposes to nominate Dr. Klaus Detlev Schulz to the electors for promotion to a continuing-level (tenure) appointment status.  Correspondence regarding this proposal should be directed to the undersigned within…

Requests for reinstatement

JAMES BAUMAN, Glenview, Ill., has applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod.  Correspondence regarding this application should be directed to the undersigned for receipt no later than April 5. DARYL H. ETHERIDGE, Adrian,…

Commentary: Where are the children?

By Judith Christian Will Our Children Have Faith? is the title of a book written in 1976 by John Westerhoff, a well-known author and lecturer on topics pertaining to the church’s educational mission and ministry.  Today, 30 years later, the…

Pressure Points with Dr. Bruce Hartung

Readers of this column continue to respond in unusually large numbers to topics stimulated by the wife of a pastor who wrote about personal concerns of her spirit. Feeling a lack of fulfillment in maintaining her own health and vitality, she…

World Mission offers group mission trips

By Paula Schlueter Ross As always, the world offers “a huge opportunity to work with God in reaching people who are lost, who haven’t heard” the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ, says Erin Alter, placement counselor with LCMS World Mission. In…

LCMS astronaut plans to worship from space

By Paula Schlueter Ross His Christian faith is important to astronaut Jeff Williams, who wouldn’t dream of leaving home — or earth, for that matter — without it. Williams, a member of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church, Houston, says he plans to stay…

Missionary service: Is it safe?

“There is no safe place.  America is not a safe place,” says Erin Alter, placement counselor for LCMS World Mission. But the Synod’s mission board takes every precaution to ensure the safety of its missionaries, she adds:  “We really take the…

Thrivent, Habitat join for home-building effort

Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Habitat for Humanity announced in late January that they are working together to build up to 312 homes this year — “a nationwide effort to create additional homeownership opportunities with low-income families,” according to a…

Get free resources for `Concordia Sunday`

The Synod’s Board for University Education is offering congregations free materials to help them celebrate the blessings of Lutheran higher education on “Concordia Sunday,” April 30. The annual observance highlights the value of a Lutheran education and calls special attention to…

People in the news

The following people have accepted new positions with LCMS-related organizations. Rev. Phillip Pledger will be installed in March as executive director of Lutheran Braille Workers (LBW) Inc., Yucaipa, Calif.  Pledger has served the past 10 years as pastor of Good…

Fort Wayne sem offers retreats for youth, adults

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, is hosting two upcoming retreats: one for youth and one for adults: “The Lord’s Prayer,” to be held April 28-30, is designed for youth who are receiving confirmation instruction in their own congregations.  The retreat…

St. Louis seminary plans alumni reunion

Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is inviting alumni from graduating classes ending in a “1” or a “6” to its annual alumni reunion, set for May 30-June 2 on the seminary campus.  Also invited are the spouses and widows of alumni…

Planners set fees for Youth Gathering

Registration fees are set for the 2007 LCMS National Youth Gathering, and plans are under way for a first-time adult component of the Gathering. The registration fee for those attending the Youth Gathering or its concurrent program for adults is…

New `Wellness Team` supports church-workers` health

A newly formed Synod “action team” met for the first time in late January to look into ways of strengthening support and working together for the health and wellness of the Synod’s professional church workers. The eight-member “Wellness Alliances Action Team,”…

CTCR gives opinion on videotaped consecration

Using video to consecrate Communion elements for home groups cannot be condoned or encouraged, according to the Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR).  Approved during the commission’s Feb. 16-18 meeting in St. Louis, the opinion responded to a district…

Letters to the Editor (March)

Commentary comments The author of the January “Commentary,” Dr. David Adams (“Same-Sex Marriage: A Cautionary Tale”), has my utmost respect in his position at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.  However, I believe it is our duty as members of both kingdoms…