Fort Wayne sem offers men's retreat

Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., is sponsoring “Real Men Follow Jesus,” a retreat for men, April 4-5 on the seminary campus. Led by Dr. Gary W. Zieroth, pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Kingsville, Md., the retreat is…

ALOA offers resources for older adult ministry

With the number of older adults steadily increasing, The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, like the country, is slowly going gray.  Is your congregation ready to assist these seniors and soon-to-be seniors in making the most of their gifts and talents in…

PALS survey confirms 'relational vitality' emphasis

By Joe Isenhower Jr. Rev. David Muench says he’s “thrilled and encouraged” by three positive things that new pastors have identified about their participation in the Commission on Ministerial Growth and Support’s (CMGS) Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support (PALS) initiative. “They…

Indonesian school seeks teachers

Sekolah Pelita Harapan, a Christian school in Indonesia, is seeking qualified and certified teachers for the 2008-09 academic year. Teachers are needed to teach high-school biology, physics, mathematics, English, and history.  Also needed are curriculum specialists and elementary school teachers.…

Fort Wayne sem offers workshops for organists

This summer, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind., will offer two five-day workshops for organists: A “Primer” course June 16-20 is a beginning workshop for organists who do not use pedals, use only one foot, or want to learn more…

Concordia, Mequon, to host parish-nurse conferences

Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, is hosting two training conferences for parish nurses, congregational health workers, pastors, and others interested in congregational health. The 16th annual “Concordia Conference for Parish Nurse and Congregational Health Ministries” will be held May 29-30 under…

Seminaries announce workshops for clergy, laypeople

Registration is open for a number of off-campus continuing-education workshops both LCMS seminaries are offering around the country this summer. The cost for each of 11 workshops offered by Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, is $125.  Taught by seminary faculty, the…

Klaus addresses NIU shootings

Rev. Ken Klaus, speaker of “The Lutheran Hour,” addresses the senselessness of the Feb. 14 shootings at Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, in a 14-minute video message that’s designed to provide a message of hope to young people and their parents.…

Children's Bible, Easter products available

Concordia Publishing House has released a new children’s Bible and is offering savings on Easter products and school items. The ESV Children’s Bible is aimed at children ages 6 to 12 and features more than 200 color illustrations, a timeline…

Synod missionaries resume work in Kenya

Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod missionaries returned to Kenya in early February to resume their work, just days after LCMS World Mission asked them to remain in Ethiopia after regularly scheduled meetings there. The missionaries — Dr. Paul and Joy Mueller and…

Specific Ministry Pastor Committee paves way for fall students

The Specific Ministry Pastor (SMP) Program Committee has published foundational documents for the program, paving the way for SMP students to begin their studies as early as this fall. The committee has been meeting to design the details of the…

Heine, Biggs begin work in new BCS posts

James H. Heine of St. Louis and Vicki Biggs of Eureka, Mo., are serving in new positions with the Synod’s Board for Communication Services (BCS). Heine, 57, is the new managing editor of the LCMS magazine, The Lutheran Witness. Heine…

Resources available for 'Concordia Sunday'

In February, the Synod’s Board for University Education mailed to all LCMS congregations a brochure promoting “Concordia Sunday,” suggested for April 20. The special observance, which may be held that day or any Sunday of the year, is designed to…

Wheat Ridge awards grants for sabbaticals

Wheat Ridge Ministries of Itasca, Ill., is awarding grants totaling $73,844 to support sabbatical experiences for professional church workers from 14 congregations, including three from The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. According to Wheat Ridge, “sabbatical leave for rest and renewal is…

CTCR, consultants review men-women relationship document

Meeting with the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations Feb. 18-19, a consulting group of eight men and eight women reviewed the first draft of a document on the scriptural relationship of men and women that was developed from…

'Free hugs' get positive reception at NIU

Northern Illinois University (NIU) graduate and LCMS Pastor Marty Marks and nearly a dozen fellow alumni and current students continued to reach out to the campus community by offering “free Huskie hugs” as classes resumed Feb. 25. The group enjoyed…