Convention delegates complete balloting

HOUSTON—During voting today, all remaining elections were completed, including positions on the newly formed Board of National Mission and the Board of International Mission. The two boards were formed earlier this week when delegates passed Resolution 8-08A, “to realign the…

Delegates support Wittenberg project

HOUSTON—Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod here voted overwhelmingly July 16 to “encourage the ‘Wittenberg project’ as a Gospel witness opportunity.”Rev. David L. Mahsman, an LCMS missionary and managing director of the International Lutheran Society…

Kober denounces unreconciled relationships

HOUSTON—On the last full day of convention business, Ted Kober, founder and president of Ambassadors of Reconciliation, spoke out against unreconciled relationships, saying that “those who worship together yet remain unreconciled disrupt the community of faith.” The 64th Regular Convention…

LCMS convention adopts congregational, district resolutions

HOUSTON—Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod adopted resolutions to support at the national level various congregational ministries, to assist those in planning reduction-in-force policies and to encourage daily devotions and Bible study.  They defeated a…

CTCR to develop guidelines for inter-Lutheran social work

HOUSTON—Delegates here adopted a resolution that calls for developing in-depth guidelines for cooperative social ministry work on the local, national and international levels between The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod and other church bodies, including the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). Proposed…

Delegates address life issues, human trafficking, malaria

HOUSTON—In three separate resolutions, convention delegates of the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, meeting this week at the George R. Brown Convention Center, voted overwhelmingly to uphold the sanctity of life, support efforts to end human trafficking/slavery…

Convention recognizes special guests

HOUSTON—Former presidents, officers and special guests were recognized July 15 at the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. LCMS President Dr. Gerald B. Kieschnick introduced Dr. Robert Kuhn, who served as LCMS president for six months following the…

Delegates adopt four ‘ecclesial’ resolutions

HOUSTON—Within 45 minutes during the July 15 morning session, delegates to the Missouri Synod convention here adopted four resolutions offered by the Floor Committee on Ecclesial Matters (Committee 7). The actions pertain to church matters that range from simply changing…

Taylor advocates forgiveness in communities

HOUSTON—Dr. Dien Ashley Taylor, pastor of Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church, Bronx, N.Y., asked convention members to show forgiveness to and share the Gospel of Christ in their own neighborhoods. “As forgiven communities of faith,” he said, “every congregation becomes a…

Thrivent CEO addresses convention

HOUSTON—In a brief message to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod convention, Brad Hewitt, chief executive officer of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, traced how “Lutherans figuring out how to solve problems has resulted in an AA best-rated Fortune 500 company with $70…

Convention votes to ‘increase impact’ of vicarage program

HOUSTON—Delegates to the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod here voted July 15 to “increase the impact” of the church body’s vicarage, or yearlong internship, program for seminarians. Resolution 5-04, presented by the Floor Committee on Seminary and…

‘Red chair’ videos feature forgiveness stories

HOUSTON—Among presentations at the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, taking place here July 10-17 at the George R. Brown Convention Center, are a series of brief videos that feature 36 LCMS district and national executives sharing personal…

Haitian Lutherans thank LCMS for response to earthquake

HOUSTON—Delegates to The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod convention here took formal action to commend the LCMS’ immediate response and continuing follow-up relief work in Haiti in the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck the island nation Jan. 12.  In addition,…

Convention adopts improved procedures

HOUSTON—Looking to future conventions, the 64th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod adopted revised procedures for making reports and overtures, appointing floor committees, distributing advance materials and selecting convention dates and locations. The procedures, which involve bylaw changes, were…

'Fan into Flame' report: $58.9 million raised

HOUSTON—Delegates to the Synod’s 64th Regular Convention here heard today that Fan into Flame, the six-year-old campaign to raise $100 million to support the Ablaze! Gospel-sharing initiative, had raised $58,900,172 in gifts and pledges as of July 1.  The money…

Convention supports chaplains, military; outreach to Muslims

HOUSTON—Delegates to the Synod’s 64th Regular Convention here overwhelmingly adopted several resolutions of the Floor Committee on Missions (Floor Committee 1) July 14: Resolution 1-05, “to affirm and encourage our military chaplains,” gives thanks and praise to God “for sending…