Items wanted, available (June 2020)

Available this month are choir robes.

COVID-19 and the church: A different phase and a different response

As governors, mayors and councilmen provide guidelines to meet the impact of COVID-19 within their jurisdictions, heightened concerns about government overreach and infringement of constitutional rights are being raised in many sectors of society.

Michigan floods lead to widespread evacuations

Along with local authorities, the LCMS Michigan District is currently assessing the situation.

LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission webinar: ‘Ministry in the Epicenter of the Coronavirus Pandemic’

Hosted by LCMS Urban & Inner-City Mission, the Rev. Dr. E. Johnson Rethinasamy presents a free webinar titled “Ministry in the Epicenter of the Coronavirus Pandemic.”

Religious liberty during reopening

Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, addresses the church regarding the changing situations as states and communities face reopening.

Concordia Seminary calls 11th president in 181-year history

The Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr. is prayerfully considering the call, which was issued on May 16.

Letter to the U.S. Attorney General in defense of religious liberties

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison wrote a letter to the U.S. Attorney General in defense of religious liberties.

Christ on the front lines: Remembering the fallen

For countless active military members, veterans and their families and friends, Memorial Day is an everyday reality.

Pastoral Ed holds church worker recruitment meeting, publishes pastoral formation ‘white paper’

The measures grew out of Resolution 6-01, passed at the 2019 LCMS convention in Tampa, Fla.

‘In sickness and in health’: May ‘Lutheran Witness’

The issue explains how to keep Christ at the center of the wedding day and how Christ cares for His Bride, the church.

An unexpected visit

The Rev. Dr. Hans-Jörg Voigt recalls a visit from LCMS President Rev. Dr. John William Behnken soon after the end of World War II and the kindness of Lutherans from America and England.

Seminaries hold online-only Call Day services

The two LCMS seminaries held virtual Call Day services on April 28 (CSL) and April 29 (CTSFW) due to COVID-19 restrictions, issuing a total of 189 calls and assignments as thousands of people watched online from around the globe.  

Quick reference guide available for times of disaster

The easy-to-use guide offers advice on what to do before, during and after a tragedy or disaster.

Grants assist church workers impacted by pandemic

As of April 30, $321,452 had been distributed in 229 grants to workers across the Synod.

Ways to show your gratitude and support for church workers

Suggestions for ways to show your gratitude and support for your pastors, teachers, church musicians, deaconesses and other church workers.

President Harrison encourages support for church workers

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison encourages congregational members to support and thank their church workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.