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Reporter Staff

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Campus Clips – August 2018

The August Campus Clips has news from Oregon, California, Nebraska, New York and Texas.

From the Mission Field – August 2018

The August “From the Mission Field” has news from Ghana and Kutaisi, Georgia.

Share It! – August 2018

Answers to the question, “How does your congregation or school let your community know you exist?”

Zeigler to take microphone at ‘The Lutheran Hour’

Lutheran Hour Ministries has announced that the Rev. Dr. Michael Zeigler of St. Louis will begin serving as speaker of “The Lutheran Hour” radio program on Oct.1. 

Official notice: Colloquies (August 2018)

A listing of those who have completed — or submitted applications for — teacher or pastor colloquies in the Synod.

Items wanted, available (July/August 2018)

Wanted this month are a processional cross and organ music; available are hymnals.

Official notice: Committee for Convention Nominations

The 67th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will be held July 20–25, 2019, at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida.

Official notice: Requests for reinstatement (July/August 2018)

A listing of those who have applied — and been approved — for reinstatement to LCMS rosters.

Positions at Concordia Seminary

Positions are available at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

Official notice: Colloquies (July 2018)

A listing of those who have completed — or submitted applications for — teacher or pastor colloquies in the Synod.

Positions (July 2018)

Positions are available with Concordia University Texas.

In the June/July Witness: ‘Men set free’

In its June/July issue, The Lutheran Witness digs deeper into the Bible’s vision of what it means to be a “man after God’s own heart.”

Notice shares information on 2019 LCMS convention

Included in the notice are steps and deadlines for choosing delegates, submitting overtures and nominating candidates for national offices and boards.

Official notice: 2019 Synod convention

The 67th regular convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will be held July 20–25, 2019, at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Florida.

Positions (June 2018)

Positions are available with the Concordia University System.