
New England District elects Beinke

The convention was held June 9–11 in Springfield, Mass.

Woodford re-elected in Minnesota South

The convention was held June 9–11 in St. Paul, Minn.

Panzer elected president of Kansas District

The district held its 74th convention June 9–10 in Topeka, Kan. 

Lueck re-elected in North Wisconsin

The LCMS North Wisconsin District held its 53rd convention June 5–6 in Rothschild, Wis.

Summer KFUO series highlights ‘Set Apart to Serve’ initiative

The series will air on KFUO’s “The Coffee Hour” on Fridays during June, July and August.

Southeastern District elects Harmon

Harmon succeeds the Rev. Dr. John Denninger, who is retiring after serving three terms as district president. 

SELC re-elects Vinovskis

The convention was held May 12–15 in St. Louis.

Finnern elected president of Minnesota North

Finnern was elected at the district’s 24th convention, held May 9–11 in Brainerd, Minn.

Lange re-elected in California-Nevada-Hawaii

The CNH district held its 72nd convention May 5–7 in Newark, Calif.

LCMS International Center marks 175th anniversary of Synod

On April 26, 1847, representatives from 14 Lutheran congregations in the U.S. signed the constitution of Die Deutsche Evangelisch-Lutherische Synode von Missouri, Ohio und andern Staaten, which became The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).

Seminaries meet for day of baseball, food and fun

The game, planned two years ago but cancelled due to COVID-19, was played in Terre Haute, Ind.

Seminaries provide Call Day details

Both LCMS seminaries will livestream their Call Day and Assignment services.

Theme announced for 2023 Synod convention

The 68th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is set for July 29–Aug. 3, 2023, in Milwaukee.

KFUO Sharathon set for April 21–23

The event is the single most significant source of funding for the listener-supported station.

Evangelizing the lost through life ministry

An upcoming seminar will explore ways for those involved in life ministry or advocacy to reach the unchurched with the Gospel.

‘March on the Arch’ draws hundreds in support of life

The day began with a prayer service at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.