
Retreats offer rest for commissioned workers

The retreats, titled “Take Heart! Renewed to Be a Blessing,” are funded by the LCMS Office of National Mission.

Buss elected to second term in Northern Illinois

The Rev. Dr. Allan R. Buss was elected to his second three-year term as president of the LCMS Northern Illinois District at the district’s 60th convention, March 11–12.

MDFL conference points to solid rock of Jesus

The conference, titled “The Rock in Shifting Sands,” was held Jan. 10–12 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.

Southern Illinois elects Scharr to fourth term

The LCMS Southern Illinois District held its 59th convention Feb. 3–5 under the theme “One Foundation.”

Bertsch elected to second term in North Dakota

The LCMS North Dakota District held its convention Jan. 23–26 in Fargo, N.D.

DCEs gather to learn, connect and share their faith

The National Association of Directors of Christian Education held its biannual conference Jan. 12–14 in Fort Collins, Colo.

Prayer Service for Life prepared for congregational use

The bulletin was prepared by LCMS Worship and LCMS Life Ministry in partnership with Concordia Publishing House.

Stained glass from IC on display at art museum

The exhibit, “Art Along the Rivers: A Bicentennial Celebration,” highlights artwork of the last thousand years from the greater St. Louis area.

Celebrate Church Worker Appreciation Month in October

Congregations and school communities are encouraged to use the month of October to demonstrate appreciation not only for their pastors, but for all workers in the parish and school

PALS facilitators gather for learning, support

PALS, or Post-Seminary Applied Learning and Support, is an ongoing effort of the LCMS Office of Pastoral Education to help new pastors and their wives transition from seminary through the first three years of ministry.

Concordia Deaconess Conference celebrates 40 years

The organization was not able to observe its 40th anniversary last year due to the pandemic, so chose instead to commemorate the anniversary at this year’s conference.

First respite retreat held for commissioned ministers

The retreat consisted of three days of worship, learning and fellowship offered at no cost to participants.

LWML runs the race to Lexington and beyond

The theme of the convention, held June 24–27 in Lexington, Ky., was “Running the Race; Looking to Jesus.”

LCMS Youth Gathering adds new, flexible volunteer opportunity for 2022

The new volunteer track will allow more people to get involved, even if they don’t have a full week to commit. 

Watch Call Day services online

Both seminaries of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod will provide live, online coverage of their upcoming Call Day and Assignment services.

Additional ‘Take Heart’ retreats planned for 2021

All costs are covered for participating pastors except travel to and from the retreat.