New This Week

Survey reveals impact of COVID-19 on congregations

More than 1,200 congregations responded to the survey, which was sent to every congregation with a valid email address — 4,787 in total — in June.

Lutherans respond after ‘derecho’ wind storm devastates Iowa cities and farms

On Monday, Aug. 10, the storm tore through the Midwest, taking down trees and power lines, leveling corn crops, and cutting the area off from power and phone signals.

‘Lutheran Witness’ introduces new website, podcast

The refreshed LW site is more user-friendly and accessible. 

August ‘Witness’: Necessary conversations

The issue studies the intersection of faith and politics.

Obituary: Rev. Dr. Ray Halm, former president of Concordia University, Irvine

The Rev. Dr. Ray Halm, who served as president of Concordia University, Irvine, Calif., from 1980 to 1998, died Aug. 4.

‘In All Things’: Youth Ministry announces 2022 Gathering theme

The next LCMS Youth Gathering is set for July 9–13, 2022, in Houston.

Back to school during COVID-19: ‘Campus Clips’ special edition

The Synod’s colleges, universities and seminaries are preparing to return to class this fall under guidelines necessitated by COVID-19.

Faith in the public square: US Supreme Court decisions impact religious principles, freedom

The rulings concern issues of life, sexuality and education.

Obituary: Dr. Thomas W. Kuchta, former chief financial officer of the LCMS

Kuchta died July 14 in Elm Grove, Wis., at the age of 78.

International Lutheran Council responds to COVID-19 with practical care and the Gospel

The International Lutheran Council is a global association of confessional Lutheran church bodies, including the LCMS.

Manor installed as Life Ministry director

Manor’s installation was delayed due to COVID-19 restrictions.

From the mission field: COVID-19 international updates

Due to the events surrounding COVID-19, some LCMS missionaries have returned to the states at this time, but the vast majority remain in the field.

Summer ‘Engage’: Serving in the time of COVID-19

Read updates about how LCMS missionaries, military chaplains, pastors and congregations are navigating quarantines and lockdowns.

In difficult times, Synod boards continue work

The LCMS Boards for International and National Mission held online meetings on May 29 and June 5, respectively.

Daniel Preus named interim president of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

Preus began serving on July 1 and will continue until a new president takes office.