Prayer Service for Life prepared for congregational use

The bulletin was prepared by LCMS Worship and LCMS Life Ministry in partnership with Concordia Publishing House.

December ‘Witness’: Canticles of Christmas

The December issue of LW highlights how the canticles teach us about Christ and why the church continues to use them to keep us mindful of the most important Christmas gift all year long. 

From the mission field: New pastors in Kenya

In September, four new pastors were ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya.

‘Reporter’ supplement: ‘Life Together with President Harrison’ – December 2021

This supplement is the first of a series titled “Life Together with President Harrison.” Additional installments are planned for 2022.

‘No more and no less’: At all times, God provides

As 2021 comes to a close, consider a year-end gift to the The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.

Board hears updates on national work of Synod

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Board for National Mission met Oct. 14–15 in St. Louis.

Colloquy committee undertakes ‘top-to-bottom review’

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s (LCMS) Colloquy Committee for Commissioned Ministry gathered Oct. 21 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis for its first in-person meeting this triennium.

‘Never done learning’: Disaster Response holds conference in St. Louis

The conference, held Oct. 6–8, drew 78 attendees from 20 districts. 

Lutheran Braille Workers reaches 114 production centers

A new ministry production center opened at Rivercliff Lutheran Church in Sandy Springs, Ga., on Sept. 17.

‘Lutherans Engage the World’ returns to print

After a yearlong printing hiatus, the magazine will arrive in mailboxes once again in November. 

Readers answer call to write for LW

The November issue includes such topics as advice from Martin Luther on how to comfort those who mourn and guidance from C.F.W. Walther on the relationship between church and state.

CTCR report addresses marriage and the state

The report follows several requests, in recent years, for the CTCR to address the question of whether or to what extent LCMS clergy should continue to serve as agents of the state in officiating marriages and signing civil marriage licenses.

From the mission field – Dicke teaches on music and worship

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

Campus clips – Special events feature art, history, film, theology

News from LCMS universities and seminaries.

LCMS Council of Presidents addresses online communion

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod Council of Presidents met Sept. 7–11 in St. Louis.