with Dr. Bruce Hartung Q: We are joyfully looking forward to welcoming and working with our…
Letters to the Editor (July)
Safeguarding students’ faith I was glad to see the June Reporter article on safeguarding our…
Items wanted, available (July)
Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to…
Positions (July)
Concordia University System is searching for professors in the academic disciplines of teacher education, business,…
Notice to Promote to Continuing-Level (Tenure)
The Board of Regents of Concordia University, St. Paul, Minn., herewith gives notice of intent…
Commentary: It`s time to encourage and equip women for Christian leadership!
By Mary E. Hilgendorf The “Parable of the Talents” told by Jesus in Matt. 25:…
Synod leaders urge `appropriate solutions` to immigration dilemma
While “issues related to immigration and immigration laws are causing distress in our land, it…
Hennings is new DP-elect in Texas
Rev. Kenneth M. Hennings of Pflugerville, Texas, is the new president-elect of the Synod’s Texas…
St. Louis sem to host theological symposium
“Recapturing a Full-Bodied Theology of the Resurrection: Christ’s and Ours” is the title of the…
Montana District elects Forke president
Rev. Terry Forke of Columbia Falls, Mont., was elected on the fourth ballot to his…
Obare: decision to ordain Swedish bishop wasn`t easy
By Paula Schlueter Ross Making the decision to ordain the first new bishop of Sweden’s Mission…
SELC re-elects Krueger president
Delegates to the LCMS SELC District’s 14th regular convention, June 22-25 at St. John Lutheran…
Indiana delegates re-elect May president
Delegates to the Indiana District convention re-elected President Daniel P. May to his second term. …
Eastern`s Brunner re-elected to third term
Delegates of the Synod’s Eastern District re-elected President John Brunner to his third term during…
Northwest`s Schumacher re-elected to fifth term
Dr. Warren Schumacher, president of the Synod’s Northwest District since 1994, was re-elected to his…
Iowa West re-elects Sieveking president
Delegates to the LCMS Iowa District West convention June 18-21 at Camp Okoboji in Milford,…