
December ‘Witness’: A family community

The December issue takes one final look at this year’s theme of community.

From our table to yours: Reporter staff shares favorite recipes

Merry Christmas from the staff of Reporter.

December ‘Witness’: The gift of children

The December issue of The Lutheran Witness considers how children bless us and how we might bless them.

‘Another year of grace’: A message from the Synod president

With the name of Jesus and at the celebration of His first shedding of blood, we begin our new year.

‘Behold the Man’: December LW

The December issue of The Lutheran Witness explores how Lutheran anthropology informs and directs our lives here and in the life to come.

December ‘Witness’: Canticles of Christmas

The December issue of LW highlights how the canticles teach us about Christ and why the church continues to use them to keep us mindful of the most important Christmas gift all year long. 

December ‘Witness’: The gift that gives eternal life

The December issue of ‘The Lutheran Witness’ explores how the Old Testament portrays and points to the Second Person of the Trinity, the eternally begotten Son of God.

December ‘Witness’: Reason to rejoice

Read the December ‘Lutheran Witness’ to learn more about the hymnody, poetry and decorations through which Christ is displayed for this world.

Advent/Christmas media kit free for congregational use

The items in the kit may be personalized with the local parish’s information.

December ‘Lutheran Witness’ celebrates — and possibly ruins? — Christmas

Among other topics, the issue considers how Christians’ observance of Christmas may sometimes serve to distract rather than enrich their celebration of Christ’s birth.

Commission on Theology and Church Relations prepares Bible studies on doctrine of justification

The first of the Bible studies, “Justifying Christmas,” will be available in mid-November.

Welcome to Earth, O noble Guest!

Merry Christmas to you and yours from The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod. May Christ dwell in you richly this season.

Reformation Relevance: Mary and her Child

An excerpt from a recently translated Christmas Day sermon by Martin Luther.

In December’s ‘Lutheran Witness’

This issue of the magazine addresses a variety of misconceptions regarding Christmas.

In December’s ‘Lutheran Witness’

This edition starts with articles about Advent and also addresses topics such as how the Christian keeps Christ in Christmas.

Display at LCMS headquarters highlights Nativity

The lighted display shows three Wise Men and their camels, and a shepherd and sheep, making their way toward Baby Jesus in Bethlehem.