Church Workers

Soldiers of the Cross—Amplified grants aid rostered and non-rostered church workers

The Synod’s long-time Soldiers of the Cross grant assistance program has been “amplified” so that not only those workers who are on the Synod’s roster, but also lay workers in LCMS churches, schools and organizations, may apply for assistance. 

Pastoral Ed holds church worker recruitment meeting, publishes pastoral formation ‘white paper’

The measures grew out of Resolution 6-01, passed at the 2019 LCMS convention in Tampa, Fla.

Grants assist church workers impacted by pandemic

As of April 30, $321,452 had been distributed in 229 grants to workers across the Synod.

Ways to show your gratitude and support for church workers

Suggestions for ways to show your gratitude and support for your pastors, teachers, church musicians, deaconesses and other church workers.

President Harrison encourages support for church workers

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison encourages congregational members to support and thank their church workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Lutheran Church Extension Fund partners with Synod to assist church workers during pandemic

As part of its response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the LCMS will use Soldiers of the Cross as one means to continue to assist LCMS church workers and their families. 

Observe ‘Concordia University, Nebraska Sunday’ on Nov. 17

Founded in 1894, Concordia celebrates its 125th anniversary this year.

Synod leaders meet to discuss church worker wellness

The Ministerial Care Coalition, a project of Concordia Plan Services, began in 2014 with the goal of fostering wide-ranging discussion and advocacy of worker wellness in the LCMS.

Answering God’s call

Your church has a place for you! Whether as a pastor, director of Christian Education (DCE), deaconess, music director or educator, each and every church worker vocation helps proclaim the Good News!

New wellness webpage offers resources for church workers

One of the seven mission priorities of the LCMS Board for National Mission is to “promote and nurture the spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being of pastors and professional church workers.”

Church workers and spouses invited to participate in online wellness focus groups

The focus groups will provide the opportunity to give feedback crucial to helping workers and their families throughout the Synod.

Share It! – Showing appreciation for workers

Here’s how readers answered last month’s question, “Pastors, teachers and other church workers: In what ways has your congregation or school shown their appreciation for you?”

2018 tax reform: What does it mean for religious employers and workers?

Churches and church workers are not specifically targeted by the changes but will be affected by them.

Reversing the LCMS membership decline: not just by having more children

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison comments on two major demographic studies about the Synod.

KFUO Audio: Church work careers for young people and how the Concordia institutions contribute

Concordia University System President Dr. Dean O. Wenthe talks about church work career training at Concordia universities and colleges, and Concordia University Chicago’s Kristin Wassilak and Steve Landgraf discuss the Careers for Christ visit weekend Oct. 28-30, 2016, at CUC.

Worker wellness merits its own committee

Delegates easily pass six resolutions relating to worker wellness.