The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s Office of National Mission has continually asked one main question: “How can we best serve the districts of the Synod, and with them the congregations, schools and workers of the church?” That is no small task.
International Mission
COP meeting spotlights training, mercy, outreach, mission
The Sept. 20-23 meeting of the LCMS Council of Presidents involves a lot more than oversight of administrative issues.
Needed now: 45 missionaries for Africa
Those who receive calls will attend orientation events March 2-14 and July 12-24, 2015, in St. Louis.
McMiller installed as OIM’s director of recruitment
The Rev. Dan McMiller is installed Aug. 14 as director of recruitment for the LCMS Office of International Mission.
LCMS equips, ‘sends’ new missionaries
The latest class of missionaries — laypeople and teachers, as well as pastors and deaconesses — will serve in 15 countries.
New missionaries gather for orientation
The 31 new missionaries will serve in 15 countries, including four where the Synod does not currently have a presence.
Council of Presidents assigns vicarages, first calls
The district presidents also meet with seminary faculty and hear reports from LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison and LCMS Secretary Rev. Dr. Raymond Hartwig.
New missionary-recruitment team begins work
The team opens new office space for their work of recruiting and placing more LCMS missionaries.
ALMA draw: ‘making connections,’ ‘sharing ideas’
Members of the Association of Lutheran Mission Agencies say they gain valuable insights at their annual conference, held earlier this year.
Short-term missionaries needed to teach English
The Synod is seeking to place 20 short-term missionaries who can teach English as a foreign language at schools and churches overseas.
Video: Missionary Service of Sending – 2014
The February 2014 new missionary orientation culminated in a special Service of Sending Friday, Feb. 14, 2014, at The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) International Center in St. Louis. During the service, the new missionaries received certificates of completion for LCMS Missionary Orientation, and they, their spouses and families were prayed for.
Synod offers online resource for year-end donors
Interested in making a charitable donation before year’s end? Check out the Synod’s “Make a Gift” website!