The group discusses ministry in prisons, jails and schools at its Jan. 18-20 gathering in Dallas.
Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs)
Board’s top challenge: helping God’s people marshal kingdom resources
“Finances are first and foremost on everyone’s heart,” LCMS Board of Directors Chairman Rev. Dr. Michael L. Kumm says during the Board’s Nov. 17-18 meeting in Schaumburg, Ill.
RSO Update (January 2017)
A listing of new LCMS Recognized Service Organizations (RSOs), those whose RSO status has been renewed and those whose RSO status has been removed.
Photo essay: Powerful Moments — A Year in Review
Nine photos taken during 2016 illustrate how God has been at work worldwide through The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
KFUO Audio: Deaconess Story and Formation
Deaconesses Amanda Van de Kamp and Deaconess Kristin Wassilak talked on Dec. 7 with KFUO Radio’s Andy Bates about becoming and serving as deaconesses in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.
LHF publishes catechism translation for Iranian immigrants
Lutheran Heritage Foundation’s new Farsi translation of “Luther’s Small Catechism” fills a great need for the LCMS partner church in Germany.
Higher Things 2017 conference registration opens
The youth organization announces four conferences next summer on college campuses in Texas, North Carolina, Montana and Indiana.
LFL conference underscores imminent sanctity-of-life issues
Some 210 pro-life Lutherans from across the U.S. and around the world band together for the 2016 Lutherans For Life National Conference, Oct. 21-22 in Bloomington, Minn.
Conference emphasizes disaster response, preparedness for Church
The 2016 LCMS Disaster Response Conference — under the theme of “Showing Christ’s Mercy; Bringing God’s Peace” — reaches a broad audience with theology, case studies and practical application.
Photo essay: Devastation of Hurricane Matthew from the Caribbean to the Carolinas
Synod disaster responders visit Haiti and the Carolinas in the wake of Hurricane Matthew to assess and broaden aid to victims.
Almost 3,000 attend convocation launching LEA’s 75th anniversary
Lutheran Education Association’s 2016 convocation in Grand Rapids, Mich., draws Lutheran educators and education students from 37 states and 14 countries.
Visits help disaster responders plan further aid for Hurricane Matthew victims
Synod disaster responders visit victims to assess the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew amid flooding in the Carolinas and an outbreak of cholera in Haiti.
Disaster responders plan more aid for victims of Hurricane Matthew
Disaster responders look to provide food, water, spiritual care and roofs for Haiti’s victims of the hurricane while assessing the full impact of the storm.
Photo essay: Christ’s mercy after Baton Rouge flooding
Lutherans are glad to help in the cleanup after August floods that impacted about 40,000 area homes, including those of Lutherans.