The free webinar, “Porn to Love: Ministering to Teens Dealing with the Lure of Pornography,” will be presented by DCE Grant Carey of Concordia University Texas.
Youth Ministry
2019 Youth Gathering Theme: ‘Real. Present. God.’
The July 11-15, 2019, event in Minneapolis will reflect the theme based on Psalm 46.
Free study guide tackles despair of ‘13 Reasons Why’
The new LCMS resource — “Faith, Hope and Love: A Threefold Response to 13 Reasons Why” — examines the popular Netflix series about teen struggles and suicide.
Children and Youth Ministry Conference cancelled
The event was planned for July 9-12 in Milwaukee.
First-time poll surveys Young Adult Volunteers
LCMS Youth Ministry is planning further research this spring and summer, based on the success of the new poll among young adults.
April 26 webinar topic: caring for teens as they make decisions
The free webinar, “How Do I Know?,” will be presented by the Rev. Ryan Peterson, campus pastor and theology professor at Concordia University, Ann Arbor.
LWML president presents mission grants in St. Louis
The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League’s Patti Ross presents grants of $120,000 for renovations to the Lutheran Church of Nigeria’s seminary, and $25,000 to the Lutheran Young Adult Corps.
March 10 webinar: spiritually preparing youth for college
During the free webinar, LCMS Campus Ministry Director Rev. Marcus Zill will share the “essentials” for helping youth make this transition.
National mission board begins refining policies
The board also hears updates on the work taking place in the LCMS Office of National Mission.
KFUO Audio: Poll results from 2016 National Youth Gathering
Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod leaders share enlightening, comforting poll results following the 2016 National Youth Gathering.
Feb. 15 webinar topic: caring for creation with youth
The Rev. A. Trevor Sutton is scheduled to lead webinar discussion on the topic of “Going Green — Biblical Truth or Brief Trend?”
LYF Youth Poll results reflect headlines, scriptural stance
Participants at every triennial LCMS Youth Gathering since 1980 take the poll that helps inform the Church and aids in developing youth-ministry resources and events.
Dec. 14 webinar focus: caring for youth in crisis
“Facing Trials Together: Walking Together in Christ,” with Heather Ruesch, is set for 1 p.m. Central time on Wednesday, Dec. 14.
Nov. 7 webinar targets caring for youth in times of fear
LCMS Youth Ministry sponsors free webinar from 1-2 p.m. Central time on Nov. 7.
Gospel’s centrality key to BNM’s work in new triennium
Meeting in St. Louis Sept. 8-9, the Synod’s Board for National Mission hears reports on all 18 ministries of the LCMS Office of National Mission.