Youth Ministry

Planners announce date for National LCMS 2016 Youth Gathering

ST. LOUIS, April 11, 2013—Save the date! The 13th triennial Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) National Youth Gathering (Gathering) is set for July 16–20, 2016. The location for the event will be revealed at this summer’s Gathering in San Antonio.

2013 Youth Gathering app available – a ‘first’

The “Gathering App” — an electronic mobile application for the 2013 National LCMS Youth Gathering — is now available for download.

Webzine offers guide to ‘Passion of the Christ’

The current edition of LCMS Youth Ministry’s Web magazine, “youthESource,” has a viewers guide for those seeing Mel Gibson’s film “The Passion of the Christ.” The magazine’s editorial team compiled the guide from notes of Dr. James Bachman, dean of…