Crystal Cathedral to move to smaller Catholic church

(RNS) — In a building swap, the Crystal Cathedral has announced it will move its congregation to a smaller Roman Catholic church after the iconic Protestant megachurch was sold to the Catholic Diocese of Orange, Calif. The cathedral, plagued by huge…

Photographer to appeal same-sex wedding decision

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Attorneys for a Christian wedding photographer say they will appeal a New Mexico court decision that ruled she violated anti-discrimination laws by refusing to photograph a lesbian commitment ceremony. The case has become a cause célèbre among some…

Conservatives rally across U.S. for 'religious freedom'

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Hundreds gathered on Capitol Hill and at rallies across the nation June 8 in a double-barreled attack on President Obama’s health-care law and a mandate to require employers to provide insurance coverage of birth control. Speakers such as…

Missouri delegates re-elect Mirly president

The Rev. Dr. Ray Mirly was elected on the first ballot to his third term as president of the LCMS Missouri District at the district’s June 3-5 convention in Springfield, Mo. Also elected were: the Rev. Dr. R. Lee Hagan,…

Registration opens for 2013 LCMS Life Conference

Registration is open for the 2013 LCMS Life Conference, set for Jan. 25-26 in Arlington, Va., at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City Hotel at Reagan National Airport. The conference is being held in conjunction with the 2013 National March for…

Zwonitzer heads KFUO Radio

The Rev. Rodney E. Zwonitzer has accepted the call to be director of broadcast services for the Synod’s KFUO Radio and began work in that position June 4 at the KFUO building on the campus of Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.…

Southeastern District elects Denninger

The Rev. Dr. John R. Denninger was elected president of the LCMS Southeastern District during its 36th convention May 31-June 2 in Virginia Beach, Va. He succeeds the Rev. Dr. Jon T. Diefenthaler, who served nine years as district president.…

New Jersey elects Steinbronn president

The Rev. Dr. Anthony J. Steinbronn is the new president of the LCMS New Jersey District — elected on the third ballot to his first three-year term by delegates to the district’s 16th convention, May 31-June 2 in Mount Laurel, N.J.…

Congregations to receive Youth Gathering info

In mid-June, Synod congregations will receive by mail the 2013 National LCMS Youth Gathering poster, along with information about registration for the July 1-5 Gathering in San Antonio.  The front of the full-color 17-by-22-inch poster gives the Synod’s 12th national…

CPH offers Father's Day gift ideas

Books and other gift ideas for Father’s Day, June 17, are available from Concordia Publishing House. Among gift items available are: Peak Performance Dad’s Devotional ($2.99, item no. 370149WEB), a 32-page paperback that’s designed for giving on Father’s Day with the…

Harrison's convention video available online

“Witness, Mercy, Life Together: Blessings — Challenges — Opportunities,” the 16-minute video prepared by the LCMS Office of the President for the 2012 district conventions, is available online at  The video highlights the work of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod through…

Convention Corner (June 2012)

With Barbara A. Below The district convention season is in full swing, and important work is going on in those conventions that will lead to the 2013 national convention of the Synod. Districts and their conventions play several new roles…

Council of Presidents assigns first calls

By James Heine ST. LOUIS — At its meeting April 28-May 3, the LCMS Council of Presidents (COP), acting as the Synod’s Board of Assignments, assigned first calls to 139 candidates certified for the pastoral ministry. Also, the COP approved…

Faculty leave Baptist school over 'lifestyle' statement

(RNS) — More than two dozen faculty members have resigned from Shorter University, a Baptist school in Georgia, after it required them to sign a “personal lifestyle statement” that condemns homosexuality, premarital sex and public drinking. An online campaign called “Save…

Catholics connect 'religious freedom,' 'For Greater Glory' film

(RNS) — The film shows a burning crucifix, gun-toting priests and the torture of a young boy. And the Roman Catholic hierarchy is loving it. The film, “For Greater Glory,” hits theaters June 1 and tells a little-known chapter of Mexican…

Official Notice: call for nominations, executive director, Office of International Mission

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod Office of International Mission calls for nominations for the position of executive director. Under the leadership and direction of the president, through the chief mission officer, the executive director is responsible for the oversight and supervision…