Congregations advised to make own decisions on Boy Scouts involvement
Missouri Synod president issues letter to congregations on scouting
Harrison’s counsel: participation in scouting is matter for individual congregations
Wenthe named interim president of Concordia University System
On behalf of the Concordia University System (CUS) board of directors, the Rev. Dr. Daniel N. Jastram, the board’s chairman, makes the announcement Oct. 4.
Photos from the Colorado flooding
In the wake of September’s torrential rains that caused flooding across the state of Colorado, national LCMS Disaster Response and LCMS Rocky Mountain District leaders met with area pastors whose communities were affected to determine immediate relief needs and long term recovery efforts.
Lutheran Housing Support awarded $78,179 treasury grant
The grant from the U.S. Department of the Treasury will help the LCMS housing ministry expand its ability to provide loans in low-income and economically distressed communities.
CPH offers free trial of online giving resource
“eGiving” offers congregation members a secure and automatic way to regularly give to their church — without using checks, cash or envelopes.
Pressure Points (October 2013)
The conversation about pastors having friends in the congregation continues.
COP delves into range of topics, biblical studies
On the first full day of its Sept. 20-24 meeting, the Synod’s Council of Presidents spends the heart of the morning continuing to refine a paper on the Office of the Public Ministry.
Board of Directors gets ready for new triennium
The Synod’s Board of Directors elects officers for the 2013-16 triennium and takes a number of other actions.
Coalition forms to set ‘action plans’ for church-worker wellness
Members of a new “Ministerial Care Coalition” to improve the health and care of LCMS church workers are developing action plans toward that goal.
Three LCMS schools receive ‘Blue Ribbon’ honor
ST. LOUIS, September 27, 2013—Three schools operated by Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod congregations have earned “Blue Ribbon” status, the highest honor awarded annually to individual schools by the U.S. Department of Education.
Adidas donates new equipment to Selma football team
Less than a week after losing more than $70,000 of equipment in a bus fire, the Concordia College Alabama Hornets are sporting brand-new football gear, courtesy of Adidas.
The latest LMI buzz from the National LCMS Youth Gathering
In the September issue of the LMI Update, LMI manager Dionne Lovstad-Jones hits the highlights of LMI activities at the National LCMS Youth Gathering held in June in San Antonio.
Malaria partners report on global funding
In the September issue of the LMI Update, Lutheran Malaria Director (LMI) Director for the LCMS Martha Mitkos writes about an advisory meeting held in June with members of the LMI team, staff from the United Nations Foundation and the United Methodist’s Imagine No Malaria campaign in Washington, D.C.
Disaster conference equips Latin Americans for mercy work
Lutherans from Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Guatemala, Venezuela, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay gather to learn about how the church can and does bear mercy in times of disaster.