Protecting troops’ religious freedom: LCMS calls for clear DoD guidance

The Synod sends a formal request to the Secretary of Defense to ensure specific protections for chaplains, service members and other defense personnel, as Christian service members face increasing pressures in today’s military.

Photo gallery: LCMS responds to flooding in Baton Rouge, La.

In the aftermath of severe flooding in Baton Rouge in August 2016, generous gifts from across the Synod allowed LCMS Disaster Response to assist congregations, districts and volunteer organizers in delivering Christ’s mercy to those most impacted by the tragedy.

Movie review: ‘Sully’

In his film about Captain Chesley Sullenberger’s “miracle on the Hudson,” Director Clint Eastwood manages to make an intimate human story out of events most people only experienced through the media.

Seminaries offer campus visits to prospective students

High-school and college students as well as adults are invited to attend visitation events at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind.

LCMS letter to U.S. Secretary of Defense: Protecting religious freedom for our troops

The LCMS has submitted a formal request to the Secretary of Defense to ensure specific protections for chaplains, service members, medical personnel, DoD civilians and other DoD-affiliated employees, per the recently mandated LGBT Pride Month and the new DoD policies on transgender service members, which include in-service gender transitions while serving in the military.

Journal outlines ‘ecumenical and mission opportunities’

The September “Journal of Lutheran Mission” highlights the Synod’s opportunities to walk with other confessional churches around the world.

History, heritage surround Synod leaders’ installation

Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and others elected to LCMS posts this year are installed Sept. 10 in St. Louis.

Photo essay: Extending Mercy in Kenya

The first LCMS Mercy Medical Team in Lodwar, Kenya, treats 1,861 people over five days in June.

LCMS and LCP Encouraged by Agreement

On June 8, 2016, the Rev. Antonio Reyes, president of The Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP), and the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS), signed a protocol agreement encouraging and strengthening the official…

Rev. Dr. Robert King, 94, was longtime LCMS officer

A funeral service for King — who died Sept. 6 — is held Sept. 14 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Jefferson City, Mo.

Catechism ‘Explanation’ revision ready for review

A first draft of the revised “Explanation” to “Luther’s Small Catechism” is mailed to congregations and rostered church workers for feedback by Oct. 31.

‘Called to Vote’ offers Christian approach to elections

The downloadable study is designed to “spark thoughtful and biblical conversation about voting in a democracy and our duty as Christian citizens.”

September ‘Witness’ addresses women and the Church

The issue tackles questions such as “Should women be drafted?” and “Why doesn’t the LCMS ordain women?”

Webinar explains new overtime regulations

Webinar provides information regarding the impact of new overtime regulations on districts, congregations, schools and other religious organizations.

Congregational Anniversaries (September 2016)

Announcements featuring special church anniversaries.

In Memoriam (September 2016)

Obituaries for ordained and commissioned ministers.