A video, Bible study, sermons, and bulletin inserts are among new resource items produced by Lutherans For Life (LFL) for use by congregations and others on “Life Sunday,” Jan. 23. Life Sunday marks the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade…
Congregations get Servant Events magazine
A list of 75 Servant Events planned for next summer in this country and in Germany was mailed in mid-November to all Synod congregations from LCMS Youth Ministry. The information, which includes details about registration, is in the form of a…
Pressure Points with Dr. Bruce Hartung
Q: This question has to do with returning soldiers from Iraq and Afghanistan. There are a couple who have already come home, and several more deployed now in both countries who are either members of my parish or are part…
December 2004
Weekly Communion A recent letter to Reporter on every-Sunday Communion begs a reply. The well-intended writer seems to bemoan the increased frequency of Communion as having an adverse effect on a pious tradition of a bygone age, when people felt that…
Official Notice: Constitutional Amendment
This notice is being printed to clarify the two different deadline dates printed on the constitutional amendment ballot mailing. The correct date for the return of ballots for the constitutional amendments is the date printed on the ballot itself, Feb.…
2004 `Youth Poll` offers no surprises
Results of the Lutheran Youth Fellowship Youth Poll from this year’s National LCMS Youth Gathering are “noteworthy for the fact that nothing changed much from the last poll taken three years ago,” said Rev. Terry Dittmer, director of LCMS Youth…
LWML presidents invite first-timers to training
By Paula Schlueter Ross A record number of women — especially young women — attended the “Leadership for Tomorrow” training conference sponsored by the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Nov. 12-14 in Chesterfield, Mo. As it has in the past, the LWML invited…
LFL marks 25th anniversary at convention
CINCINNATI — Although Lutherans For Life (LFL) has spent the last 25 years “convincing in love … [and] listening to the gentle whisper of the Holy Spirit,” many people still do not understand that abortion is a “billion-dollar killing industry”…
Fire kills Kenyan pastor in New Jersey
Rev. Peter Gusuta, a Kenyan pastor serving with the Synod’s New Jersey District, died Nov. 16 in a fire that struck his family’s Jersey City home. Gusuta, 56, had worked nearly four years in the district as an urban missionary among…
CHI bestows awards
Dr. Scott J. Meyer of St. Louis Nov. 11 was presented with the Distinguished Service Award by Concordia Historical Institute (CHI). Meyer, a member of CHI’s Board of Governors since 1986, received the institute’s highest award “for his extraordinary commitment to…
LCEF chief urges support for `Ablaze!`
By Joe Isenhower Jr. DALLAS — Merle Freitag, president of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund, encouraged participants at the annual LCEF Fall Leadership Conference here to “get involved, personally and organizationally, in a big way” with Ablaze!, LCMS World Mission’s initiative…
Caring attitude can foster increase in worship attendance
By Paula Schlueter Ross KATY, Texas — On a typical Sunday, 850 to 950 people worship at CrossPoint Community Church here. Only about 600 of them are members. But that’s OK with Pastor Bill Woolsey, who says the LCMS congregation’s goal is “to…
CPH produces first-ever collection of Luther`s music
Concordia Publishing House has produced what is believed to be the most comprehensive collection in English of the hymns, ballads and chants composed or authored by Martin Luther. “Martin Luther — Hymns, Ballads, Chants, Truth” includes 39 tracks and is…
Fall CUS enrollment hits record 17,500
By Paula Schlueter Ross A new school year equals a new enrollment record for the Synod’s Concordia University System (CUS) schools. All 10 of the institutions reported increases in enrollment, bringing this fall’s CUS total to a record high of 17,500…
`Igniting` event links outreach, worship attendance
By Joe Isenhower Jr. GARDNERVILLE, Nev. — Outreach is the key to increased worship attendance, LCMS President Gerald Kieschnick told pastors and laypeople from 18 congregations who met here Sept. 30-Oct. 1. Their meeting was the fifth “One Mission Ablaze:…
Efforts of medical-van staff lead to worship groups in Kyrgyzstan
By Paula Schlueter Ross A single ministry in Kyrgyzstan already has touched the lives of some 112,000 people there — both physically and spiritually — and its director says she’s confident it will reach hundreds of thousands more in the years…