Cheryl Magness

Managing Editor of Reporter

537 Articles12 Comments

Cheryl Magness is managing editor of the print and online versions of Reporter, the official newspaper of the LCMS. She has written for a variety of publications, including The Federalist, Touchstone and The Lutheran Witness, and is a contributor to the book He Restores My Soul from Emmanuel Press. She has degrees in English and music and enjoys playing piano and spending time with her family.

St. Martin Lutheran School for the Deaf: Teaching the ‘whole person’

St. Martin Lutheran School for the Deaf accepts students from preschool through eighth grade and operates in space provided by Emmanuel Lutheran Church and School in Dearborn, Mich.

‘A way to serve’: Organist honored for 70 years at same congregation

Eileen Jones began serving at Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Britton, Mich., when she was 16 years old.

Bernhard M. Seter scholarship to support church work students in Africa

Recipients of the scholarship must be studying to become Lutheran pastors, deaconesses or Christian evangelists serving in Africa LCMS partner churches.

Positions (Dec. 2022)

Positions are available with the Concordia University System.

Oldest historically black LCMS church in Mississippi destroyed by arson

The church traces its beginning to the 1930s.

Ankerberg to serve as CUWAA president

Ankerberg previously served as provost of Concordia University Chicago, River Forest, Ill.

New staff installed in St. Louis

In October, new staff were installed at the LCMS International Center in the areas of Pastoral Education, National Mission and Mission Advancement.

Synod contributors ‘blessed to be a blessing’

A new website from LCMS Mission Advancement provides information and assistance to those interested in giving back to the church via a specific planned gift or Christian estate plan. 

From the mission field: Bibles for Cambodia

A grant from the LCMS was used to fund a shipment of Jarai-language Bibles to Phnom Penh.

‘God is still here’: Response to Hurricane Ian continues

LCMS Disaster Response is mounting a full-scale response in conjunction with the affected districts, district disaster response coordinators and the Synod’s Lutheran Early Response Team network.

LCMS response to Hurricane Ian underway

The response includes a center of operations at Zion Lutheran Church in Fort Myers, Fla.

LCMS Disaster Response: Proclaiming the Gospel at all times

As Hurricane Ian continues its path of destruction, damage assessment begins.

Mine collapse closes Lutheran high school

Due to mine subsidence, Lutheran High School in Springfield, Ill., had to relocate before the start of the school year.

First round of Life Match grants awarded

A second set of applications is currently undergoing the review process, with a third phase to begin on Nov. 1.

Campus clips: Synod’s schools return to class

Beginning this month, Campus Clips will include updates from LCMS elementary and secondary schools as well as universities and seminaries.

Update from Ukraine: Meeting needs physical and spiritual

As war and violence continue to devastate Ukraine, the LCMS has responded in a variety of ways.