On Aug. 26, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod recognized the service of eight missionaries and missionary families who are retiring or leaving the field and welcomed one new missionary.
‘In All Things’: 20,000 attend LCMS Youth Gathering
The 2022 LCMS Youth Gathering took place July 9–13 in Houston.
BIM plans for future, gives thanks for past blessings
The board met May 26–27 in St. Louis.
Synod honors new and retiring missionaries
On May 6, the LCMS Office of International Mission hosted a Service of Thanksgiving and a subsequent ceremony to recognize five new missionary families and honor seven missionary families who have recently ended their service.
‘Show them Jesus’: Call Day 2022
The seminaries of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod held their pastoral and diaconal call services and their vicarage and deaconess internship assignment services on April 26 and 27.
LCMS International Center marks 175th anniversary of Synod
On April 26, 1847, representatives from 14 Lutheran congregations in the U.S. signed the constitution of Die Deutsche Evangelisch-Lutherische Synode von Missouri, Ohio und andern Staaten, which became The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS).
Schultz installed as president of CPH
The March 11 installation was held at Holy Cross Lutheran Church in St. Louis.
Campus leaders discuss church work recruitment
The Church Work Directors Conference was convened Jan. 31–Feb. 1 by the LCMS Office of Pastoral Education as a part of its Set Apart to Serve initiative,
Shaw, Hemmer, Rabe installed at International Center
The three men had all begun serving prior to their installations.
‘This is the moment’: Chicago marchers pray for change
On Jan. 8, LCMS marchers joined over a thousand others to march for life in Illinois.
Ministerial Care Coalition holds annual meeting
The coalition — a collection of representatives from around the Synod — supports and fosters conversations about church worker wellness.
‘The kingdom ours remaineth’: Member of Augusta church loses wife in tornado
A historic outbreak of tornadoes on Dec. 10 and 11 impacted communities across eight states, damaged an LCMS church and killed a member of Christ Lutheran Church in Augusta, Mo.
Prayer Service for Life prepared for congregational use
The bulletin was prepared by LCMS Worship and LCMS Life Ministry in partnership with Concordia Publishing House.
‘Never done learning’: Disaster Response holds conference in St. Louis
The conference, held Oct. 6–8, drew 78 attendees from 20 districts.
Mission board gets uplifting overseas reports
The LCMS Board for International Mission met Sept. 23 and 24 in St. Louis.
Service of Thanksgiving recognizes missionaries
The chapel service recognized nine new missionary families and honored eight missionary families who recently ended their service.