Read the December ‘Lutheran Witness’ to learn more about the hymnody, poetry and decorations through which Christ is displayed for this world.
Reading & Study

Fall issue of ‘Engage’ ponders ‘the loving hand of God’
The issue includes stories on mission work in Tanzania and Malawi, this summer’s LCMS Youth Gathering and the ordination of pastors in Latin America.

October ‘Lutheran Witness’: Saints of the church
The issue includes accounts of remembered saints, saints who played prominent roles in the church but are lesser known, and saints who are still among us.

September ‘Witness’: CPH turns 150
The issue also includes a wrap-up of the 67th Regular Convention of the LCMS.

Two convention resolutions now available in Spanish
Two resolutions from the 2019 LCMS convention — Res. 11–04A (“To Affirm the Common Humanity of All People and Ethnicities”) and Res. 11–05A (“To Encourage Responsible Citizenship and Compassion Toward Neighbors Who Are Immigrants Among Us”) — are available in both English and Spanish. See both versions below.

Travel the US with ‘Lutherans Engage the World’
The Summer 2019 issue features stories from California, Texas, Kansas and Georgia.

June/July ‘Witness’ all about convention
At the heart of the issue is a “Meet the Candidates” section that includes an in-depth Q&A in which each of the candidates shares his perspective on key issues and challenges facing the LCMS.

Spring ‘Engage’: Brought together in Christ
In Papua New Guinea and around the world, God brings His people together to confess Christ and bear mercy for their neighbors in His name.

April ‘Lutheran Witness’ looks to the cross
The Lent/Easter issue features a walk through St. Matthew’s account of the Passion and an in-depth examination of “apologetics under the cross.”

March ‘Witness’: Christian fellowship in a hostile culture
The March issue of The Lutheran Witness explores the theme “Life Together, Set Apart.”

New preaching module studies ‘the baptized life’
The module offers both written and video resources and encourages pastors to spend time together in discussion and practice.

‘An inexpressible treasure’: CTCR releases report on Holy Baptism
Other newly available documents from the CTCR are a discussion guide and Bible study to accompany the 2018 report on the royal priesthood and a Spanish-language version of the Bible study for the 2012 report on immigration.

February ‘Witness’ asks, ‘Who is my neighbor?’
The issue explores how Lutherans show God’s love by working to meet the physical and spiritual needs of those around them.

Winter ‘Engage’: Changing lives through Christ’s mercy
The issue follows God’s people as they serve those in need in Kenyan refugee camps, immigrant communities and disaster zones.

Albrecht pens history of Lutheran Television
Lutheran Television: Glory Years, by the Rev. Dr. Ardon Albrecht, chronicles the history of Lutheran Television and its flagship show, “This is the Life.”