Both the National and International Mission boards met in St. Louis in October.
International News
Warehouse fire destroys 1.5 million copies of GOOD NEWS magazine
The magazine is published in 20 languages through the Concordia Mission Society and read in over 100 countries.
LCMS, LCC, NALC release three-year Bible reading guide
The guide is the third joint effort of the three church bodies.
Built on the rock: New church, pastor, publishing house in Sri Lanka
The Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Church (CELC) held its first convocation Sept. 1-2.
Puerto Rico update: Interview with Missionary Matt Ruesch
An LCMS Disaster Response team has been on the ground in Puerto Rico this past week as part of an initial assessment trip.
LCMS receiving reports from missionaries in Caribbean, Mexico after disasters
The LCMS Office of International Mission and LCMS Disaster Response are working to connect with our missionaries and partners following Hurricane Maria and the earthquake in Mexico.
Video: Professor Luther – The student of scripture
Scripture changes the one who studies it. The Law and the Gospel are the two great teachings of the Bible.
Video: The Care of Souls: Luther’s Driving Focus
Teaching starts at home, where Luther was surrounded by his family as he worked at the family table.
Video: The Common Chest Ensures Everyone’s Needs Are Met
The 500th anniversary of the Reformation provides an excellent opportunity to recall and learn the importance of Luther’s teachings on the truth of God’s love for people by grace alone, by faith alone, by Scripture alone, through Christ alone.
Video: The Cross Alone Is Our Theology
Using pieces from “Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation” the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, teaches interesting and important facts about the Reformation.
The Luther Mile
Join the Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, LCMS president, as he explores some of the most renowned sites in what many call Luther City.
Video: The Pope Supported the Sale of Indulgences; Christ Gives Grace for Free
Indulgences were really from the pope. He was fund-raising for a building program. The solas teach us that we are saved by grace alone, by faith alone, as revealed in Scripture alone.
Video: 16th-century Indulgence Box: Trying to Buy Salvation
“As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.” Indulgences led to the posting of the 95 Theses. Christ alone sets the soul free.
Video: Relics – There’s Only One that Counts
Eighteen of the 12 Apostles are buried in Germany? What are relics? Why did people view them and why was Luther against them? Was there any relic Luther treasured?
Video: Wittenberg, Germany – The City of Luther and the Reformation
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted the 95 Theses in Wittenberg, Germany. Find out more about the city at Luther’s time and how Luther grew into a biblical scholar.
Photo essay: One Foundation
A new addition to a multi-use building in Santiago, Dominican Republic, will now house a regional disaster-response/mercy center.