The Rev. James Cerdeñola, president of the Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP), shares this update in the aftermath of Typhoon Haiyan, which wreaked havoc across the Philippines on Friday, Nov. 8. Rev. Cerdeñola has been in contact with LCP officials, Mindanao District officers, as well as the local ALERT team (Active Lutherans Emergency Response Team) as they mobilize in the Philippines to extend the mercy of Christ.
International News
Typhoon Haiyan: Images of a disaster
These images from the Associated Press show the destruction ravaged by Typhoon Haiyan as it barreled across the Philippines Friday, Nov. 8, 2013. News reports indicate that more than 10,000 people are feared dead.
KSDK-TV interviews LCMS president about Typhoon Haiyan
KSDK-TV interviews LCMS president, LCMS Disaster Response co-director about Typhoon Haiyan
The latest LMI buzz from the National LCMS Youth Gathering
In the September issue of the LMI Update, LMI manager Dionne Lovstad-Jones hits the highlights of LMI activities at the National LCMS Youth Gathering held in June in San Antonio.
Malaria partners report on global funding
In the September issue of the LMI Update, Lutheran Malaria Director (LMI) Director for the LCMS Martha Mitkos writes about an advisory meeting held in June with members of the LMI team, staff from the United Nations Foundation and the United Methodist’s Imagine No Malaria campaign in Washington, D.C.
LMI program highlights in Africa
Find a list of program highlights from the Lutheran Malaria Initiative’s work in Africa from the August issue of the LMI Update.
LMI’s outreach manager talks about her trip to Kenya
Dionne Lovstad-Jones, manager of Development Outreach for the Lutheran Malaria Initiative (LMI) for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, talks about her trip to Kenya in the August 2013 issue of LMI Update.
La Victoria Mercy House Grand Opening
We’re delighted to share this video from Sunday’s grand opening of the Mercy House in…
Mercy Medical Team Trip to Madagascar
During a March 2013 LCMS Mercy Medical Team trip to Madagascar, team members treated 1,321 patients and filled 4,000 prescriptions.
Small Catechism with Explanations in Kyrgyz Completed and Distributed!
On April 21, 2013, several Kyrgyz-speaking members of the Lutheran Church Concordia (LCC) ventured from their villages and towns into Bishkek to help celebrate the completion of the Small Catechism with explanation in Kyrgyz.
New video: ‘From Horror to Hope: Haiti 2013’
The video, “From Horror to Hope: Haiti 2013,” chronicles the relief and recovery efforts of the LCMS with partners in Haiti.
A Theft Turns into a Christian Rehabilitation Center in Mongolia
This post was shared by Rev. Matthew Heise, a missionary to Georgia and Mongolia. He has worked with the local Lutheran church in the region and led Bible studies.
Rev. Alan Ludwig, Theological Educator in Siberia, Goes South
According to Rev. Alan Ludwig, “from Siberia just about every direction is south.” Rev. Ludwig teaches at the theological institute of the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church in Novosibirsk, Russia, and has been involved in the education there almost from its inaugural year in 1997.