News from LCMS colleges, universities and seminaries.
National News
LWML adopts $2.1 million mission goal, elects new president
The new president, Debbie Larson, previously served as LWML North Dakota president.
LaMott appointed interim president of CSP
Former CSP President Rev. Dr. Tom Ries retired at the end of the 2018–19 academic year.
Iowa District West hosts ‘More Than Giving’ stewardship conference
Open to both pastors and laity, the event is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Aug. 16–17, at Camp Okoboji in Milford, Iowa.
National Mission board celebrates effective triennium, hears ministry updates
The board also heard a presentation on the Synod’s new national mission emphasis, ‘Making Disciples For Life.’
Harrison elected to fourth term as LCMS president
The Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison is the president-elect of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod for a fourth term of office, 2019–2022, after receiving a majority of votes cast in the June 22–25 election. Harrison has served as LCMS president since 2010.
New Synodwide emphasis aims at ‘Making Disciples For Life’
The new initiative will assist God’s people with resources and training as they witness to Christ and His eternal gifts.
‘Christ is going with me’: New missionaries prepared, sent
The new missionaries, who will all serve in either Eurasia or Latin America and the Caribbean, attended a weeklong orientation at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis.
Follow convention news wherever you are
Here are all the ways to stay informed about the 67th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, set for July 20–25 in Tampa, Fla.
Campus clips – Outstanding educators, expanding programs
News from LCMS colleges and universities.
‘Joy:fully Lutheran’ Chapel Talks now available
The resource contains 44 worship outlines, along with opening and closing services, for Lutheran school chapel.
LCEF reaches $100 million investment milestone
In October, Lutheran Church Extension Fund rolled out a 40-month note with a goal of reaching $100 million in new investments. The goal was met in less than four months.
LCMS presidential election: Candidate Q&A
Nominees for LCMS president share joys, concerns and hopes for the Synod.
2019 LCMS National Disaster Conference set for Oct. 2–4
Registration is open for the 2019 LCMS Disaster Response Conference. Join us Oct. 2–4 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, to learn about being “Joy:fully Lutheran in Midst of Disaster.”
Dawn to serve as president of Concordia, Chicago
Dr. Russell P. Dawn of Irvine, Calif., will replace the Rev. Dr. Daniel L. Gard, who announced his retirement in 2018.
Call Day: Seminary students receive calls, learn placements
A total of 201 students received their first calls to pastoral and diaconal ministry and their assignments as vicars and deaconess interns during four services held on the two seminary campuses April 29–30 and May 1.