Beginning in November, the 2008 round of LCMS Servant Events for youth and adult leaders…
Youth Ministry offers ’08 ‘NATIONAL’
LCMS Youth Ministry’s third National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference — set for July 10-13 at…
Likens offers dramatization of centurion
Rev. James Likens, an LCMS actor, musician, and owner of JDL Video Productions in St.…
CPH offers resources for Reformation, Halloween
Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, offers a variety of resources that are designed to help congregations…
ILC accepts four new member churches
ACCRA, Ghana — The International Lutheran Council (ILC) accepted four new member church bodies — the most…
‘Operation Barnabas’ looks to support those back from war
By Paula Schlueter Ross The war in Iraq has affected every Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod congregation…
LFL offers ‘life’ speakers
Lutherans For Life (LFL) maintains a “speakers bureau” that can provide experienced pro-life speakers for…
LWR announces travel scholarships, tours
Lutheran World Relief (LWR), Baltimore, is offering three Marian Stegemoeller Memorial Scholarships for seminary students…
CCCS to host mission conference
The Children’s Christian Concern Society (CCCS) is holding its annual mission conference Nov. 2-3 at…
‘YM2008’ to explore young-adult ministry
Exploring ministry with young adults in Synod congregations, a Jan. 4-6 symposium in Houston sponsored…
CTCR hears plan to form new church relations office
By Joe Isenhower Jr. Dr. Samuel H. Nafzger, executive director of the Synod’s Commission on…
Planners pick New Orleans for 2010 Youth Gathering
The 2010 National LCMS Youth Gathering will take place July 17-21 in New Orleans. “New Orleans…
Want to write devotions?
In November, the Portals of Prayer editorial committee will be choosing authors for the 2010…
Commentary: Sick of today's media? Let's make new journalists
By Uwe Siemon-Netto Christopher Hitchens, the witty British-born journalist and author, earlier this year joined the…
Pressure Points (October)
With Dr. Bruce Hartung Q: What is a pastor to do or say when his…
Letters to the Editor (October)
Talk about tithing In last month’s commentary, Philip Meinzen urges pastors to talk more about…