Lutheran school students among Las Vegas shooting victims

Twin sisters Natalia and Gianna Baca, seniors at Faith Lutheran High School in Las Vegas, are injured but recovering.

Graphic designer marks 50 years at CPH, with no plans to retire

Jackie Appelt says reaching that milestone at Concordia Publishing House is a “happy surprise.”

‘Every One His Witness’ evangelism resource now available from Concordia Publishing House

The program focuses on how to share the Gospel with those in our everyday lives.

Love in action: disaster donations are helping

Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) is also providing aid through its Kaleidoscope Fund.

Synod prepares response to devastated Puerto Rico

With limited information from Lutherans there, an LCMS assessment team plans to leave for the island Oct. 5.

BOD votes to increase disaster-fund impact

Also in its regular meeting, the Board considered ways to increase effectiveness, received reports and took routine actions.

‘The word did everything’

Excerpted from Luther’s Works, “The Second Sermon, March 10, 1522, Monday after Invocavit.”

LCMS Stewardship releases free Bible study

The eight-session study focuses on both financial and other kinds of stewardship.

‘Viral’ photo has Synod connection

The photo of the African-American deputy carrying two white children across floodwaters has been shared widely as a symbol of racial harmony.

Movie review: ‘It’

The new film, based on Stephen King’s 1986 horror novel of the same name, tackles, among other things, the topic of fear.

LCMS receiving reports from missionaries in Caribbean, Mexico after disasters

The LCMS Office of International Mission and LCMS Disaster Response are working to connect with our missionaries and partners following Hurricane Maria and the earthquake in Mexico.

NLSA honors Schmidt with School Shepherd Award

The award honors a pastor who provides “outstanding encouragement, support and service to his school.”

NLSA accredits 102 schools, recognizes five as ‘Schools of Distinction’

The accreditation process requires lengthy evaluation and self-study.

Video: Professor Luther – The student of scripture

Scripture changes the one who studies it. The Law and the Gospel are the two great teachings of the Bible.

Broten to serve as LCMS Youth Gathering director

The role was previously filled by the Rev. Mark Kiessling, director of Youth Ministry.

Seminaries sponsor campus visit days

The visits offer a look at seminary life in St. Louis and Fort Wayne, Ind.