From the mission field – Free, online catechisms

Ceylon Evangelical Lutheran Publishing House has announced the release of downloadable, online versions of Luther’s Small Catechism in multiple languages.

Free resources available for ‘Lutheran Schools Week’

The special week designed to call attention to the gifts of Lutheran schools is Jan. 27 through Feb. 2.

KFUO Audio: Victories for religious freedom

Stephanie Taub, counsel with First Liberty Institute, and KFUO host Kip Allen discuss five victories for religious freedom since Donald Trump was elected president of the United States.

KFUO Audio: Religious freedom cases in the Supreme Court

October’s Free to be Faithful® program on discusses important pending U.S. Supreme Court cases that have significant ramifications for religious freedom in America.

KFUO Audio: Religious freedom in the U.S. military

Roger Drinnon, a U.S. Air Force veteran and LCMS Director of Editorial Services and Media Relations, joined Worldwide KFUO’s Kip Allen during a “Free to be Faithful” program to discuss religious freedom in the U.S. military.

KFUO program addresses religious freedom in the military

KFUO moderator Kip Allen interviews Roger Drinnon (pictured) on the topic May 17 on Worldwide KFUO radio.

Stanley to discuss religious freedom, Lutheran schools

Alliance Defending Freedom’s Erik Stanley discusses religious freedom as it applies to Lutheran schools and students Nov. 18 on “”

Dr. Maggie Karner — voice for life, mercy, religious freedom — dies

A funeral for Karner, 52, is planned for 11 a.m. Wednesday, Sept. 30, at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Bristol, Conn.

‘Religious Freedom Day’ resources available

The Synod’s “Free to be Faithful” website adds resources for the Jan. 16 observance.

Harrison to host free Nov. 13 webinar

The LCMS president will discuss the Lutheran understanding of the two kingdoms and field questions on topics addressed by the Synod’s “Free to Be Faithful” campaign.

CPH offers free Resource Catalog

The 187-page catalog features hundreds of items, including books, Bibles, church software, educational materials, hymnals and hymn recordings, church supplies and worship resources.

Muslim countries cited on religious freedom

WASHINGTON (RNS) — The New Year’s Day massacre at a Coptic church in Egypt. Christian converts facing the death penalty in Afghanistan. Swastikas painted on a Jewish synagogue in Venezuela. As the headlines deliver fresh stories of the persecution of…

Free materials available for `Armed Forces Sunday`

“When I am Weak, He is Strong” is the theme for this year’s “Armed Forces Sunday” observance on May 20.  Free resources are available online to help congregations remember military families and support the Synod’s armed forces ministry. “It is…

KFUO Radio: Christianity and the rise of science

During a Free to be Faithful® program, Worldwide KFUO moderator Kip Allen and the Rev. Dr. Gregory P. Seltz, executive director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, discuss the relationship between Christianity and the rise of science.

KFUO Radio: Do you vote with your dollars?

Robert Kuykendall of 2ndVote, a website that rates companies based on the causes they support, joins KFUO host Kip Allen during a Free to be Faithful® program to discuss how to be an intentional Christian consumer while many American corporations fight against life and marriage.

KFUO Radio: Two-kingdom perspective of the State of the Union address

The Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, executive director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, discusses the 2019 State of the Union address from a two-kingdom perspective during a Free to be Faithful® program with KFUO host Kip Allen.