Making Disciples For Life

Life Ministry conference draws over 700 registrants

The virtual conference, held March 19–20, featured both live sessions and pre-recorded breakout sessions, as well as live question-and-answer opportunities.

BOD advances new CUS governance model

The committee appointed by the Synod’s Board of Directors in response to 2019 Convention Res. 7–03 to conceive of a new governance model for the Concordia University System reported on its progress at the Board’s Feb. 19 meeting.

MDFL holds virtual gathering on wide range of topics

Congregation members, workers and leaders from across the LCMS listened, shared and learned during the Making Disciples for Life gathering held via Zoom the evenings of Jan. 11–14.

COP navigates ongoing impact of COVID-19

The LCMS Council of Presidents conducted its fourth meeting of 2020 (its third via Zoom video conference) on Nov. 16–18, with discussion of the pandemic’s impact on the church dominating the meeting.

‘Take Heart’ retreats uplift, refresh pastors during COVID-19

The LCMS Office of National Mission is partnering with DOXOLOGY on a series of retreats to help pastors and the souls in their care rest in the Gospel.

BNM business includes church worker recruitment, COVID-19, race

On Oct. 15, the LCMS Board for National Mission met for a full-day meeting via Zoom.  

Hybrid MDFL conference builds on past and moves forward

A ‘Making Disciples for Life’ conference was held in conjunction with an LCMS Minnesota South District pastors conference in October.

Plans underway for 2021 life marches

Some things look different this year, but the commitment to life hasn’t changed.

Bible study series for COVID-19

New Bible studies address the hardships of the COVID-19 pandemic, reminding the church of God’s Word and promises for difficult times.

In difficult times, Synod boards continue work

The LCMS Boards for International and National Mission held online meetings on May 29 and June 5, respectively.

New ‘Making Disciples for Life’ Bible studies to address wide range of topics

The Bible studies are particularly suited to the difficulties of COVID-19.

Still time to register for April ‘Making Disciples for Life’ conference

The next regional gathering of ‘Making Disciples for Life’ will take place April 17–18 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.

Synod BOD apprised of tough philanthropic climate

The BOD also heard updates on international mission, church-worker recruitment and the Synod’s ‘Making Disciples for Life’ initiative.

‘Making Disciples for Life’ Initial Gathering an opportunity to listen, learn, share

The Initial Gathering — the first of many such gatherings to come in other parts of the country — was held Jan. 9–11 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis

Council of Presidents hears about seminary education, pastor shortage

The Nov. 18–21 meeting was held concurrently with meetings of the LCMS Board of Directors, Concordia University System and a gathering of business and office managers from across the Synod.

BOD meeting in Houston includes joint session with COP

Among other business, the Board heard a report from the Synod president, elected a new BOD member, and thanked retiring CFO Jerry Wulf for his service.