'The Voice': New Bible translation focuses on dialogue

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (RNS) — The name Jesus Christ doesn’t appear in The Voice, a new translation of the Bible. Nor do words such as angel or apostle. Instead, angel is rendered as “messenger” and apostle as “emissary.” Jesus Christ is “Jesus…

'Reporter,' 'Lutheran Witness' win seven ACP awards

The Synod’s two official periodicals — Reporter and The Lutheran Witness — received a total of seven awards from the Associated Church Press (ACP) for work done in 2011. The awards were presented at the ACP’s annual convention, April 30-May…

'Call day' services place 139 pastors, assign 114 vicars

A total of 139 pastoral candidates were placed into their first calls during “call day” services May 1 at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and May 2 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, Ind. Those called included one student from Concordia…

CTCR responds to ELCA statement, plans conference

By Adriane Dorr During its April 26-27 meeting in St. Louis, the LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations (CTCR) adopted a formal response to the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s (ELCA) social statement, “Human Sexuality: Gift and Trust” (HSGT).  The…

LCMS reps, Indonesian church leaders hold talks

By Adriane Dorr The Rev. Dr. Albert B. Collver III, LCMS director of Church Relations, and Darin Storkson, LCMS regional director for Southern Asia and Oceania, recently visited with officials from the Indonesian Lutheran Christian Church (ILCC) to discuss potential…

Fire destroys church in Flat Rock, Mich.

A cigarette butt tossed into a flower cart that sat outside the front doors of Hope Lutheran Church, Flat Rock, Mich., is suspected of causing a fire that destroyed the church on April 26. No one was injured in the…

CNH delegates re-elect Newton president

Delegates to the 69th convention of the LCMS California-Nevada-Hawaii (CNH) District re-elected by acclamation on the first ballot the Rev. Dr. Robert D. Newton of San Jose, Calif., to his fourth term as district president. Meeting April 27-29 in Burlingame, Calif., the convention…

Students, LCEF call first marketing competition a win-win

By Kim Plummer KrullJose Elizondo admits he never heard of the Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) before he began researching the organization for its inaugural national marketing competition for Concordia University students. But the more the Concordia University Texas, Austin,…

Walther League plans 28th annual reunion

Former Walther League members from throughout the United States are invited to attend the 28th annual Walther League and Lutheran Young Adult Reunion on Saturday, Sept. 29, in Frankenmuth, Mich., as part of a “Heritage Weekend” of activities. On Friday,…

Fred E. Lietz dies — LCMS Church Extension pioneer

Fred E. Lietz, the first executive leader of Church Extension for The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, died April 19 in nursing care at Lutheran Haven, a retirement community in Oviedo, Fla., where he and his wife resided. His death at age…

Harrison leads malaria prayer service at International Center

Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison led staff at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis in a 19-minute prayer service on “World Malaria Day,” April 25. The service included the “14:40 Prayer for World Malaria Day” that asks God…

Call for nominations: LIRS board, committee members (May 2012)

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) seeks nominations for 2013 board of directors and committees.  Nominations are due June 15.  Visit www.lirs.org/boardnominations to view the call for nominations, expectations of board and committee members, the nominations timeline and the nominations…

Official notice — Call for nominations: director, Black Ministry (May 2012)

The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, Office of National Mission (ONM), St. Louis, calls for nominations for the position of director — Black Ministry. The director is responsible for working within the Office of National Mission. The director will collaborate and coordinate…

Items wanted, available (May 2012)

Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase. Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Notices may be sent to Jennifer Duffy at…

Pressure Points (May 2012)

With Dr. Bruce Hartung Two questions with similar concerns came to “Pressure Points” over the last two months. Those questions and my answers follow.  Q: There are few polite ways to tell you what is going on in our church. We…

New book details history of Lutheran Heritage Foundation

The Rev. Robert Rahn, founder of the Lutheran Heritage Foundation (LHF), has written a 330-page book that traces the development of the organization from its beginnings in Russia to its present-day work in Africa and Southeast Asia. The book’s title, Jesus…