The LCMS response will include setting up an outdoor relief center at Fountain of Life in Ponce, Puerto Rico, with pastors and support personnel brought in to assist the on-site team in the relief effort.
New This Week

January ‘Lutheran Witness’ ponders grace
Included in January is a theological explanation of the different teachings about grace, a reflection on how we are to graciously forgive one another, and a reminder that the God whose grace saves us invites us to pray.

From the mission field – Renovations in Uruguay
Building renovations will expand educational opportunities in Montevideo, Uruguay.

‘Making Disciples for Life’ Initial Gathering an opportunity to listen, learn, share
The Initial Gathering — the first of many such gatherings to come in other parts of the country — was held Jan. 9–11 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis

Listen to LCMS schools sing for chapel during National Lutheran Schools Week
Each day during the week of Jan. 27-31, chapel at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis will feature guest choirs from LCMS schools. The services are broadcast live on KFUO.

McDaniels, Wurster honored with Christus in Mundo award
The award recognizes those who have made “significant, sustained contributions” to Specialized Pastoral Ministry.

Obituary: Rev. Dr. Arthur W. Scherer, president emeritus of the Southeastern District
A funeral service is scheduled for 10 a.m. Monday, Jan. 20, at Holy Nativity Lutheran Church, 1200 Linden Ave., Arbutus, Md.

Council of Presidents hears about seminary education, pastor shortage
The Nov. 18–21 meeting was held concurrently with meetings of the LCMS Board of Directors, Concordia University System and a gathering of business and office managers from across the Synod.

Puerto Rico hit by largest earthquake in 100 years
An LCMS assessment team is preparing to visit Puerto Rico in the next few days.

BOD meeting in Houston includes joint session with COP
Among other business, the Board heard a report from the Synod president, elected a new BOD member, and thanked retiring CFO Jerry Wulf for his service.

Wulf to retire as Synod chief financial officer
Wulf, who has served as CFO since 2011, will retire on Jan. 31.

Faith in the public square: LCMS youth starts pro-life group at her public high school
Anna Young, an LCMS pastor’s daughter, recently started a Students for Life of America group at her public high school in Nashville, Tenn. It is the first such group in the county.

Winter ‘Engage’: Sharing the Gospel in unexpected places
The Winter 2020 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ is full of stories about the Gospel going forth in unexpected ways and reaching people through unexpected ministries — particularly through music.

Registration open for 2020 Servant Events
Nearly 70 Servant Events will be hosted by various LCMS congregations, camps and service organizations from May through August.

LCEF looks to ‘Ignite Creativity’ in church and life
During the 2019 Lutheran Church Extension Fund Leadership Conference, speakers from a wide range of disciplines shared ideas for sparking creativity and innovation within the church, in work and in life.