New This Week

Obituary: Rev. Dr. Walter A. Maier II, former Synod vice-president

A funeral service is set for 11 a.m. Oct. 31 at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, Ind.

Advent/Christmas media kit free for congregational use

The items in the kit may be personalized with the local parish’s information.

Synod leaders meet to discuss church worker wellness

The Ministerial Care Coalition, a project of Concordia Plan Services, began in 2014 with the goal of fostering wide-ranging discussion and advocacy of worker wellness in the LCMS.

Fall issue of ‘Engage’ ponders ‘the loving hand of God’

The issue includes stories on mission work in Tanzania and Malawi, this summer’s LCMS Youth Gathering and the ordination of pastors in Latin America.

October ‘Lutheran Witness’: Saints of the church

The issue includes accounts of remembered saints, saints who played prominent roles in the church but are lesser known, and saints who are still among us.

LEA brings teachers together in St. Louis

More than 2,700 educators attended the Lutheran Education Association’s triennial convocation Oct. 10–12 at the America’s Center Convention Complex.

English Bible Camp curriculum offered for parish use

The curriculum uses stories from the Book of Acts to teach about God’s gifts.

Black Ministry ‘Think Tank’ meets in Memphis

The grassroots group spent two days brainstorming ideas for LCMS Black Ministry.

From the mission field – Men’s Bible study in Taiwan

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.

Campus clips – Buildings and bridges

Updates from LCMS colleges and universities.

Obituary: Rev. Dr. Norman Edgar Nagel, professor emeritus at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis

A funeral service for Nagel will take place at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Oct. 15, in the Chapel of St. Timothy and St. Titus at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

Meyer to retire as president of Concordia Seminary

The Rev. Dr. Dale A. Meyer has served as the seminary’s president since 2005.

Mueller retires, Lange is installed: Synod vice-presidents share thoughts on serving

The Rev. Dr. Herbert C. Mueller Jr. retired on Aug. 31, and the Rev. Peter K. Lange took over the position on Sept. 1.

Nurturing singing — and faith — through music education

LCMS church musicians and educators learn strategies for increasing music literacy by developing aural skills.

Weedon retires as International Center chaplain

The Rev. William Weedon, International Center chaplain and director of LCMS Worship, has served in the dual position since its inception in 2012.

Obituary: Dr. Harold James Boldt, former executive director, LCMS Board for Parish Services

Boldt, who also formerly served as director of Elementary and Secondary Schools for the LCMS, died Sept. 19 in Rochester, Mich.