New This Week

Movie review: ‘Aladdin’

“Aladdin” is one of the better recent Disney live-action remakes, but it is still silver next to gold when compared to the 1992 animated film.

Call Day: Seminary students receive calls, learn placements

A total of 201 students received their first calls to pastoral and diaconal ministry and their assignments as vicars and deaconess interns during four services held on the two seminary campuses April 29–30 and May 1.

Volunteer for ‘Project Restore’ in Nebraska

Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Fremont, Neb., is seeking volunteers for the ongoing recovery effort, which is expected to take at least a year.

CTCR report looks at ‘Christians and Social Media’

The report seeks to consider how Christians can “best use — or, if necessary, avoid the use of — this technology to glorify our God and Savior, build up the Body of Christ and extend His kingdom in the world.”

Lutherans provide rapid response to Midwest tornadoes

In the wake of tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in the Midwest, the LCMS Central Illinois and Missouri districts’ Lutheran Early Response Teams are preparing to help their neighbors.

Summer Servant Events still taking registrations

The events range in duration from a few days to several weeks and are open to a variety of ages.

Bethesda observes 115th anniversary, celebrates awareness month

Bethesda Lutheran Communities — an LCMS Recognized Service Organization — provides homes and other services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Campus clips – Talent, cheer, debate, service

News from LCMS colleges and seminaries.

May ‘Witness’ asks, ‘Who is the Holy Spirit?’

The May issue offers readers an in-depth look at what Scripture and Lutheran theology say about the Third Person of the Trinity.

Obituary: Rev. Dr. William ‘Bill’ Meyer, former president of CUS

Meyer, who also served as former executive director of the LCMS Board for Higher Education, died on Feb. 1.

LCMS Convention Workbook now available

The 67th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod will take place July 20–25 at the Tampa Convention Center in Tampa, Fla.

From the mission field – Healing in Rwanda

In March, Ambassadors of Reconciliation, an LCMS Recognized Service Organization, provided reconciliation training for Rwandan pastors and laypeople affected by the 1994 genocide.

LWML headed to Mobile for summer convention

The 38th Biennial Convention of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League will take place June 20–23 under the theme, “In Praise to the LORD!”

Movie review: ‘Avengers: Endgame’

With its themes of sacrifice and failure, “Avengers: Endgame” offers much for Christian viewers to think about.

‘Partners in Hope’: Schave speaks at D.C. seminar on addiction and joblessness

The event, held March 27-28, was hosted by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the National League of Cities.

COP places candidates, thanks Mueller, affirms unity

At its most recent meeting, the LCMS Council of Presidents issued a statement regarding the handling of Synod properties in Hong Kong and the relocation of the Asia Regional Office to Chiayi City, Taiwan.