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Spring/Summer ‘Engage’: ‘Whenever and wherever’

The combined Spring/Summer 2021 issue of ‘Lutherans Engage the World’ shows Lutherans continuing to love and serve their neighbors in new and nimble ways.

From the mission field: Project 24 finds blessing during pandemic

Project 24, which provides boarding for Kenyan children while they attend school, had to close its sites and send the children home in 2020 due to COVID-19.

Finnish bishop charged over biblical teaching on human sexuality

The charges stem from a 2004 booklet published by Luther Foundation Finland.

From the mission field – Spanish Dogmatics volumes printed

For the first time, two Spanish translations of Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics — Baptism and Christology — are available in print.

Winkelman, Grove take top posts at international schools

Two of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s three international schools will welcome new heads of school on July 1.

New missionaries carry ‘precious cargo’ of the Gospel

The recent missionary orientation at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis included an opportunity for the new missionaries to meet with missionaries who recently ended their service.

From the mission field: Music and liturgy workshop in Congo

Sacred music educator and missionary Phillip Magness recently returned from three weeks in the Republic of Congo, where he led a hymnody and liturgy workshop at Wittenberg Parish in Pointe-Noire, consulted with church leaders on future projects, and worked with the musicians at St. Augustine Lutheran Church in Brazzaville. 

‘Beautiful Feet’ conference connects college students with mission opportunities

The conference, planned by college students for college students, is hosted each year on a different campus of the Concordia University System.

Obituary: Rev. Mandla John Khumalo, bishop of the Confessional Lutheran Church of South Africa

The Rev. Mandla John Khumalo, bishop of the Confessional Lutheran Church in South Africa who fought the apartheid system as a young man, died on March 1.

Mission boards count blessings during tumultuous times

The LCMS Boards for International Mission and National Mission held their first gatherings of 2021 via all-day virtual meetings on Jan. 28 and Feb. 26, respectively. 

From the mission field: Rwanda

The Lutheran Mission in Africa—Synod of a Thousand Hills is a young Lutheran church body that began in Rwanda about six years ago. 

‘Missions Unpacked’ program provides online introduction to LCMS international mission work

The online resource provides interactive programming so that individuals, families and groups can “learn, sing, eat and pray with missionaries and local church members” around the world without ever leaving home.

From the mission field – Pastoral formation in Dominican Republic

The challenges of COVID-19 have not slowed the steady stream of new pastoral candidates flowing from Concordia the Reformer Seminary in Palmar Arriba, Dominican Republic.

Finnish Lutherans declare fellowship with LCMS

The decision came during the Evangelical Lutheran Mission Diocese of Finland’s annual meeting, held on Nov. 14, 2020.

State of the Synod goes online in 2020

The State of the Synod content has taken on a new delivery form this year, available to a wider online audience at the LCMS website.

From the mission field – Dominican Republic, Latvia

Updates about LCMS mission work around the world.