Structure, governance task force presents initial report to COP

The Synod’s Council of Presidents (COP), meeting April 18-24 in St. Louis, Mo., and Fort Wayne,…

Kieschnick addresses unity, division in Synod

Synod President Gerald Kieschnick is urging LCMS leaders to continue dialogue about matters on which…

Black Ministry Convocation set for D.C. area in July

Discounted “early-bird” registration is open through May 15 for the 2008 Black Ministry Family Convocation,…

Items wanted, available (May)

Note:  Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to…

Call for Nominations: assistant director, Ministry to the Armed Forces

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod is seeking nominations for the position of assistant director, Ministry to…

Positions (May)

The Pacific Southwest District, Irvine, Calif., is seeking applications for the position of assistant vice…

Official Notice: from the districts

Retired or semi-retired pastor to serve small congregation in Fairfield, Texas, on a part-time basis. …

Third worship institute set for July in Seward

Buoyed by the success of two similar events it sponsored in the past, the Synod’s…

Do your summer vacation plans include a Servant Event?

If you’re planning a family vacation this summer but not set on where to go…

LCMS leaders attend ecumenical meeting with pope

“Christ, Our Hope for Unity” was the theme for an April 18 prayer service led…

'Lutheran Witness' wins four ACP awards

The Lutheran Witness, the official magazine of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod, won four awards in…

World Mission offers resources for 'Armed Forces Sunday'

LCMS World Mission is offering a number of resources to help congregations celebrate “Armed Forces…

Synod celebrating 85 years of ministry to blind

This year marks the 85th anniversary of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod’s ministry to blind and…

Congregations open more 'outreach centers for blind'

By Paula Schlueter Ross Five new “outreach centers for the blind” have opened this year,…

'We Believe' is theme for 2010 Youth Gathering

Planners of the 2010 National LCMS Youth Gathering in April announced its theme, “We Believe,”…

Poll says Bible is America's favorite book

(RNS) — The Bible is the favorite book of all time for American adults, regardless…