ST. LOUIS, April 19, 2013—Congregations and individual members of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) are invited to take part in the church’s life and work in a personal way: by participating in the 2013 National Offering.
Search Results For: Life Together
Congregations to receive 'Witness, Mercy, Life Together' Bible study
Each LCMS congregation will receive this summer a free copy of a new Bible study on the Synod’s threefold “Witness, Mercy, Life Together” emphasis, including a video version on DVD. The mid-July mailing, funded by a donor, also will include…
Day to lead LCMS Life Together staff
Rev. John Barton “Bart” Day will join the Synod staff July 1 as executive director of the church body’s new Life Together department that will include national mission functions of the ministries based at the Synod’s International Center in St.…
Posters, banner feature 'Witness, Mercy, Life Together' emphasis
New posters and a banner designed to promote the Missouri Synod’s new “Witness, Mercy, Life Together” emphasis are available from Concordia Publishing House. The emphasis, according to an LCMS website (, “illustrate[s] how the church lives and works together to…
‘Walking together’: Historic Pennsylvania church joins LCMS
St. John’s Lutheran Church, Ambridge, Penn., was received into membership in the LCMS on Aug. 18.
Celebrating life: Pro-life advocates meet to discuss post-Dobbs strategies
LCMS Life Ministry was invited to participate in the first Celebrate Life Weekend, held in June to mark the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022.
Lutherans give witness to life and Christ
The March on the Arch is the largest annual pro-life demonstration in the St. Louis region.
‘Life Magnified’: Lutherans march, rally in Austin
On Jan. 27, more than 150 Lutherans participated in the Texas Rally for Life at the State Capitol in Austin.
‘An attitude of lifelong service’: Servant Event registration now open
Events will begin as early as March and continue through August.
‘Together as Synod’ gifts support areas of greatest opportunity
Undesignated “Together as Synod” gifts are both flexible and cost-effective, supporting whatever is the greatest mission and ministry opportunity at the time the gift is received.
Advocate for life all year long
There are numerous opportunities around the country to support life.
More Million Dollar Life Match grants awarded during Phase 2
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod has awarded 48 grants during Phase 2 of the 1 John 3 Initiative Million Dollar Life Match. The program, which offers a total of $1 million in matching grants, seeks to support LCMS congregations involved in providing beginning-of-life care in their local communities.
Consider a year-end ‘Together as Synod’ gift
An undesignated gift to the LCMS enhances domestic and international efforts to witness, show mercy to others and live life together as children of God.
‘Lifemark’: Motion picture about adoption shares pro-life message
LCMS Life Ministry has developed resources to aid viewers interested in further study and discussion of the issues raised in the movie.
Statement from LCMS Life Ministry on the ‘Dobbs v. Jackson’ ruling
Life is precious, and we applaud the action of the U.S. Supreme Court to correct the egregious and mortal error codified in Roe v. Wade.