‘March on the Arch’ draws hundreds in support of life

The day began with a prayer service at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis.

Synod pledges $1 million for beginning-of-life care

The 1 John 3 Initiative Million Dollar Life Match will provide up to $1 million in matching funds to LCMS congregations involved in upholding the sanctity of life in their local communities.

Life Ministry conference draws over 700 registrants

The virtual conference, held March 19–20, featured both live sessions and pre-recorded breakout sessions, as well as live question-and-answer opportunities.

LCMS leaders participate in scaled-back D.C. March for Life

On Jan. 29, several LCMS leaders joined approximately 100 pro-life leaders from across the country in a mostly virtual, livestreamed March for Life.

March for Life ‘Moving the Movement Tour’ stops in Fort Wayne

The Jan. 16 event, sponsored by LCMS Life Ministry, was one stop on the March for Life Chicago’s “Moving the Movement Tour,” which connected participants across five Midwestern states in a series of pro-life car rallies and caravans.

January ‘Witness’: Living a chaste and decent life

Chastity is not simply about “waiting for marriage,” but about the entire life of the believer.

‘Together as Synod’ gift an opportunity to serve ‘big picture’ mission

As 2020 comes to an end, supporters of the LCMS who are prayerfully considering making a year-end gift are encouraged to give a “Together as Synod” gift.

Life Ministry has new director

Deaconess Tiffany Manor has accepted a call from the LCMS Office of National Mission to serve as director of LCMS Life Ministry.

Still time to register for April ‘Making Disciples for Life’ conference

The next regional gathering of ‘Making Disciples for Life’ will take place April 17–18 at Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne.

LCMS members march for life with ‘a message of forgiveness for all’

The 47th National March for Life was on Jan. 24 in Washington, D.C.

‘Making Disciples for Life’ Initial Gathering an opportunity to listen, learn, share

The Initial Gathering — the first of many such gatherings to come in other parts of the country — was held Jan. 9–11 at the LCMS International Center in St. Louis

Prayerfully consider an end-of-year ‘Together as Synod’ gift

A “Together as Synod,” or undesignated, gift enhances domestic and international efforts to witness and show mercy to others, and to live life together as children of God.

Lutherans to march for life in nation’s capital

The 47th Annual National March for Life will take place in Washington, D.C., on Friday, Jan. 24, 2020.

Southern California life conference draws over 300 participants

The Southern California “Defending Life” Conference was held Sept. 6-7 in Gardena, Calif.

Walking together: Delegates work and worship in Tampa

The 67th Regular Convention of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod was held July 20-25 in Tampa, Fla., under the theme “Joy:fully Lutheran.”

‘Making Disciples For Life’

We’re in this together! The men and women in the LCMS Office of National Mission have been listening and learning so as to better equip congregations and districts in making lifelong disciples for Christ.