“Christ sustains you and makes you what you should be,” said LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison.
Matthew Harrison
International Lutheran Council reaffirms 2021 letter denouncing religious persecution in Finland
The reaffirmation comes as the Rev. Dr. Juhana Pohjola and Dr. Päivi Räsänen face a second trial for holding to biblical Christianity.
LCMS and LCC Joint Statement on Koinonia Meetings
On Feb. 26–28, 2023, about fifty pastors from The Lutheran Church—Canada (LCC) and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) gathered for a koinonia meeting to deepen their mutual work on mission and ministry in Canada.
LCMS statement on Concordia University Texas
The LCMS Board of Directors and Office of the President address the action by Concordia University Texas to self-govern.
Resurrection courage: The future is already written
All the crosses and trials that afflict us today will be left in the grave at the Resurrection.
Ankerberg installed as CUWAA president
Dr. Erik P. Ankerberg has nearly 15 years of experience in leadership positions at Lutheran institutions of higher education.
President Harrison denounces disturbing ideologies
LCMS leaders and congregations reject racist views and instead stand firm on the biblical belief that every human is a precious child of God.
Update from President Harrison on Large Catechism
President Harrison asks CPH to resume distribution of the annotated Large Catechism.
God’s abundant grace: A sermon from Luther
A sermon of Martin Luther from April 6, 1541, is translated by LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison.
LCMS and LCC Joint Statement on Mission and Ministry in Canada
On November 21–22, 2022, representatives from The Lutheran Church—Canada (LCC) and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) met in Windsor, Ontario, Canada to discuss the work and scope of the LCMS English and SELC Districts in Canada.
Joint letter from LCMS President Harrison and presidents of WELS and ELS to U.S. Attorney General
“The increased violence … against churches, pro-life organizations and pregnancy centers are clearly terrorist attacks: they use violence designed to intimidate in order to achieve political ends.”
LCMS responds to SCOTUS decision on ‘Dobbs v. Jackson’
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod advocates for the value of human life, which is made in the image of God. While we rejoice in this ruling, we also pray for those who are hurting and afraid.
LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison addresses SCOTUS decision
Today we rejoice that the U.S. Supreme Court has overturned ‘Roe v. Wade’ and pray that all would treasure and protect life as a gift from God.
Statement from LCMS Life Ministry on the ‘Dobbs v. Jackson’ ruling
Life is precious, and we applaud the action of the U.S. Supreme Court to correct the egregious and mortal error codified in Roe v. Wade.
A Word in the Wake of the Buffalo Tragedy
As we are shocked by another act of violence, we pray for those who have been impacted and persevere in showing Christ’s love to others.
Announcement of Presidential Visitation of Concordia University Texas (CTX)
LCMS President Harrison will conduct an in-person visitation of CTX April 20–22, 2022.