Matthew Harrison

Give thanks in all circumstances — through the risen Christ

Rev. Dr. Matthew Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod: “I thank God for you, for your partnership in the Gospel, your confession of our Lutheran doctrine, your prayers for the Synod and even your prayers for this sinner. I thank God for your ministry. I thank God for every congregation in your district.”

Message to the Church about demographic challenges we face

A portion of this “white paper” takes up the demographic challenge of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. I pray, that as we face challenges with the Word of God, we will continue to grow together in unity.

‘Joy:fully Lutheran’ – Rejoice. Pray. Give thanks. Christ has done it.

Even as our world changes, the Word of God remains the same. The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod proclaims this truth here and throughout the world in mission work, disaster response, universities, seminaries and especially in our congregations.

CPH book focuses on helping the needy

In a book about caring for the poor, LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison takes the example of St. Paul and applies it to today’s church.

LCMS joins others in affirming ‘God-given sexual identity’

LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and the Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz, executive director of the Lutheran Center for Religious Liberty, are two of the signers of “Created Male and Female: An Open Letter from Religious Leaders.”

Video: Professor Luther – The student of scripture

Scripture changes the one who studies it. The Law and the Gospel are the two great teachings of the Bible.

Texas disaster relief involves teamwork, partnerships, kindness

Disaster-response planning continues among LCMS Disaster Response, LCMS Texas District responders and partner organizations as Hurricane Harvey relief operations switch gears toward long-term recovery.

Video: The Cranach Bible

Luther translated the Bible into German, because he believed that the Bible is the cradle in which Christ lies.

Video: The Care of Souls: Luther’s Driving Focus

Teaching starts at home, where Luther was surrounded by his family as he worked at the family table.

Video: 16th Century Physicians Mask

Doctors wore masks to protect themselves from the plague. Everyone, including Luther, was affected by the plague.

Video: Ex-monk Marries Ex-nun: Martin and Katie Luther

God gave marriage as a benefit for all. Luther married to protect his family name, to spite the pope and to teach doctrine, but found love in his rib, his Katie.

Video: The Common Chest Ensures Everyone’s Needs Are Met

The 500th anniversary of the Reformation provides an excellent opportunity to recall and learn the importance of Luther’s teachings on the truth of God’s love for people by grace alone, by faith alone, by Scripture alone, through Christ alone.

Video: The Cross Alone Is Our Theology

Using pieces from “Martin Luther: Art and the Reformation” the Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, teaches interesting and important facts about the Reformation.

Video: The Pope Supported the Sale of Indulgences; Christ Gives Grace for Free

Indulgences were really from the pope. He was fund-raising for a building program. The solas teach us that we are saved by grace alone, by faith alone, as revealed in Scripture alone.

Video: 16th-century Indulgence Box: Trying to Buy Salvation

“As soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the soul from purgatory springs.” Indulgences led to the posting of the 95 Theses. Christ alone sets the soul free.

Video: Relics – There’s Only One that Counts

Eighteen of the 12 Apostles are buried in Germany? What are relics? Why did people view them and why was Luther against them? Was there any relic Luther treasured?