Campus mission, international students are focus of conferences

Two upcoming conferences that focus on outreach on U.S. college and university campuses are scheduled for St. Louis in May. The fifth annual LCMS Campus Mission Confabulation, May 22-25 at the Crowne Plaza St. Louis Airport Hotel, is designed for…

Irvine, Chicago schools offer new degree programs

Two Concordia University System schools are offering new programs of study. Concordia University, Irvine, Calif., has approved a minor in worship arts leadership.  The program, open now to students, addresses contemporary and traditional approaches to worship “that are biblically grounded,…

Seminary chorus announces tour

The Concordia Seminary (St. Louis) Chorus, under the direction of Rev. Henry V. Gerike, will visit Lutheran congregations in Missouri, California, Arizona, and Nevada on its 2009 spring tour. The Chorus will provide sacred concerts that include prayer, Scripture readings,…

CPH offers Lenten resource based on hymn

Concordia Publishing House has released a Lenten resource for congregations based on the hymn “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded.”  The series draws its themes from the wounds of Jesus Christ and applies them to today’s Christian life.  “For many Christians,…

Conference designed for international students

International students will gain leadership skills and opportunities to grow and share their Christian faith during a May 13-20 training conference sponsored by International Student Ministry, Inc. (ISM). The annual Leadership Training Conference for International Students will be limited to…

Brandt heads list for LEA educator awards

Dr. John Brandt, executive director/principal of Valley Lutheran High School in Saginaw, Mich., is the recipient of the Lutheran Education Association’s (LEA) Christus Magister (Christ the Master Teacher) Award, the most prestigious of 10 awards LEA is giving this year…

Planners share 2010 Youth Gathering details

With fresh information about it appearing online and a new logo proclaiming its “We Believe” theme, the next National LCMS Youth Gathering is only a year and a half away.  The Gathering will take place July 17-21, 2010, in New…

Churches, World Relief respond after ice storm hits three states

By Sarah Schafer Although crews have been working for two weeks to restore power after a late January ice storm hit areas of Missouri, Arkansas, and Kentucky, some residents may wait another month before their lights come on. Meanwhile, LCMS…

Pressure Points (January)

With Dr. Bruce Hartung Q: I am serving as a pastor. An individual who has committed and been punished for sexual abuse is looking for a worshiping community [and has chosen the congregation I serve]. He understands the consequences of…

Letters to the Editor (January)

Commentary comment I’m sorry, but I had a difficult time reading and understanding Dr. Gilbert Meilaender’s November Reporter Commentary on the negative aspects of organ transplants. I agree that the possibility of hastening death and selling body organs and tissues…

Commentary: The 'Song' of the people!

The Commission on Worship’s study of 100-plus contemporary songs By David Johnson Endeavoring to faithfully address 2007 Synod Convention Resolution 2-02A, “To Provide Guidance and Direction for Use of Diverse/Contemporary Worship Resources,” the LCMS Commission on Worship sought to begin…

Call for Nominations: Executive Director, LCMS World Mission

The Board for Mission Services (BFMS) of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod seeks nominations for the position of executive director.  This person administers the activities of LCMS World Mission according to the Handbook and Bylaws of Synod, the directives of the…

Positions (January)

LCMS Texas District, Austin, Texas, is seeking to fill the position of treasurer.  This position directs all fiscal affairs and is involved in all fiscal planning and budgeting for the district.  Responsibilities include, but are not limited to, all accounting…

Notice to Promote to Continuing-Level (January)

The Board of Regents of Concordia University Wisconsin, Mequon, Wis., herewith gives notice of intent to promote to a continuing-level appointment the following:  DR. MARGARET BLODGETT, DR. THOMAS FEIERTAG, DR. JAMES FREESE, and DR. TERI KAUL. Any comments concerning this…

Request for Reinstatements (January)

WALTER M. SCHNEIDER, Sterling, N.Y., has applied for reinstatement to the Minister of Religion-Ordained roster of The Lutheran Church -Missouri Synod.  JAMIE SCHUTTE, St. Michael, Minn., and LUCAS E. STOELTING, Clarksville, Tenn., have applied for reinstatement to the Minister of…

Items wanted, available (January)

Note: Reporter cannot accept notices about items offered for sale or that people wish to purchase.  Items described as “Wanted” or “Available” are sought or may be obtained for shipping costs only. Wanted Lutheran Service Book, 60 copies needed by…