LCMS President Harrison will conduct an in-person visitation of CUWAA March 23–25, 2022.
Matthew Harrison
Harrison issues letter regarding recent events at CUW
As events at Concordia University Wisconsin (CUW), Mequon, Wis., cause concern in the church, LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison asks for patience and prayers.
Shaw, Hemmer, Rabe installed at International Center
The three men had all begun serving prior to their installations.
Personal remarks from President Harrison about COVID and vaccines
“We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). I aim to resist this increasing encroachment wherever and whenever I can.
Update from LCMS President Harrison about vaccine mandate
Please study this collection of resources, which provides a summary of what we know about the COVID-19 vaccines, their relation to the issue of abortion, and what we can (and cannot) say about these matters from the Synod’s perspective.
LCMS President Harrison signs letter defending faith-based student groups
LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison joined a diverse group of U.S. religious and legal leaders in writing to the U.S. Secretary of Education to provide protections for faith-based student organizations and their contributions to religious diversity on public college campuses.
LCMS President’s statement on the Equality Act
LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison addresses the Equality Act.
Egger accepts call to serve as CSL president
Egger will transition to his new role in mid-March and be formally installed in August.
Congregations vote to delay Synod convention
The measure was approved by over 90%, with more than 60% of the Synod’s congregations participating in the vote.
March for Life ‘Moving the Movement Tour’ stops in Fort Wayne
The Jan. 16 event, sponsored by LCMS Life Ministry, was one stop on the March for Life Chicago’s “Moving the Movement Tour,” which connected participants across five Midwestern states in a series of pro-life car rallies and caravans.
MDFL holds virtual gathering on wide range of topics
Congregation members, workers and leaders from across the LCMS listened, shared and learned during the Making Disciples for Life gathering held via Zoom the evenings of Jan. 11–14.
A pastoral letter about COVID-19 vaccines
LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison provides facts and considerations regarding the COVID-19 vaccines.
Council of Presidents encourages Harrison to invite congregational vote on convention delay
Due to ongoing effects of the pandemic, the LCMS Council of Presidents voted unanimously to encourage LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison to put before congregations a proposal to delay the 2022 Synod convention.
Statement on the death of George Floyd and the ensuing riots
God’s Word rejects racism. All are equally created by God. All are equally accountable to God. The sins of all are atoned for by Christ. Racism is not acceptable.
Encouragement and resources for reopening churches
LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison encourages and suggests resources for congregations as they begin or plan for resuming in-person worship.
Religious liberty during reopening
Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison, president of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod, addresses the church regarding the changing situations as states and communities face reopening.