office of international mission

LCMS launches new missionary website

The website provides a reservoir of resources reflecting the work of the Synod in four international regions.

BOD business includes budget, convention prep

Preparations for the Synod convention are proceeding on schedule, and three major Synodwide initiatives are newly underway or soon to be.

Know before you go — to Haiti or anywhere

Following a fresh round of violent demonstrations in Haiti, the U.S. State Department has upgraded the Travel Advisory for the country to a Level 4 — Do Not Travel.

Board for International Mission turns attention to Asia

At its Jan. 31–Feb. 1 meeting in St. Louis, the board appointed seven new missionaries and continued discussions on the status of international schools and cooperative work with partner churches, districts and mission societies.

From the mission field – The SANAK

The Indonesian Christian Lutheran Church (GKLI) and the LCMS are helping bring God’s Word to nomadic people in Jambi.

BOD continues on path toward best corporate stewardship

At its November meeting, the Board heard from its chairman about efforts to increase the efficiencies of corporate Synod so the church can use the savings on its “core competencies.” 

‘Know Before You Go’ — safety tips for international missionaries

The LCMS Office of International Mission provides a “Know Before You Go” document with helpful travel safety principles from various sources.

‘Good spirit,’ ‘real savings’ highlight BOD meeting

The LCMS Board of Directors held its quarterly meeting in St. Louis Aug. 24–25.

Photo essay: ‘Future and Hope’ at the 2018 Corpus Christi conference

The 2018 Corpus Christi youth conference was held July 23–27 in Prague, Czech Republic, under the theme “Future and Hope.”

Orientation equips six new missionary families for international service

A new group of missionaries were sent out with a plea for God’s blessing during a “Service of Sending” on Aug. 3 at the LCMS International Center chapel in St. Louis.

McMiller to follow Fale as head of OIM

With the unanimous concurrence of the Board for International Mission, LCMS President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison has named the Rev. Daniel F. McMiller as the new executive director of the Office of International Mission.

BOD adopts conservative budget for fiscal year 2019

Meeting in St. Louis May 18–19, the LCMS Board of Directors adopted a fiscal year 2019 operations budget of $69.4 million, a figure nearly $8 million lower than that of the current fiscal year, which ends June 30.

Vinovskis elected to first term in SELC District

The Rev. Waldemar R. Vinovskis succeeds the Rev. Andrew J. Dzurovcik as president of the LCMS SELC District.

New international missionaries blessed for service

The missionaries will serve in the Dominican Republic, Papua New Guinea, Taiwan, the Czech Republic and Russia.

LCMS receiving reports from missionaries in Caribbean, Mexico after disasters

The LCMS Office of International Mission and LCMS Disaster Response are working to connect with our missionaries and partners following Hurricane Maria and the earthquake in Mexico.

Missionaries blessed for service in seven countries

After a two-week orientation, 10 missionaries are “sent” to serve in Germany, the Czech Republic, the Dominican Republic, Hong Kong, Peru, Spain and Uganda.