Youth Ministry

KFUO Audio: Lutheran Young Adult Corps

The Rev. Mark Kiessling and Julianna Shults, LCMS Office of National Mission, discuss the development of the new Lutheran Young Adult Corps. The Corps provides 2-10 month opportunities to serve for adults ages 18-26.

Symposium to focus on 21st-century confirmation issues

Registration is open for Youth Ministry 2016 — sponsored by LCMS Youth Ministry and set for Jan. 14-16 in St. Charles, Mo.

Photo gallery: Y4Life servant event in Florida

Lutherans For Life hosted a YFLife servant event on Saturday, Sept. 12, in the Orlando, Fla., area.

Youth Gathering info on its way to congregations

A DVD mailed in mid-August will have information about registration and New Orleans — site of the July 16-20, 2016, event.

400-plus at NATIONAL15 focus on serving youth

LCMS Youth Ministry’s 2015 National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference — focused on the theme of “Standing” — meets July 12-15 in New Orleans.

KFUO Audio: His Time – Two Upcoming LCMS Youth Ministry Events

Rev. Mark Kiessling, interim director, LCMS Youth Ministry, talks about the 2015 National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference (July 12-15, 2015) and the 2016 National Youth Gathering (July 16-20, 2016).

KFUO Audio: Faith’n’Family – LCMS Servant Events

Jim Lohman, DCE; Rev. Craig Bertram and Shelly Carlson, Lord of the Lakes Lutheran Church, Forest Lake, Minn.; and Sue Hart, DCE, Bethesda Lutheran Communities discuss their involvement in planning, leading and serving with LCMS Servant Events.

Registration open, speakers set for ‘National15’

The 2015 National Lutheran Youth Workers Conference, sponsored by LCMS Youth Ministry, is set for July 12-15 in New Orleans.

New Gathering video emphasizes ‘stand in Christ alone’

Release of the 3-minute video from LCMS Youth Ministry coincides with Reformation Day on Oct. 31.

LCMS Youth Ministry announces staff changes

The Rev. Mark Kiessling is now interim director of LCMS Youth Ministry and the Rev. Dr. Terry Dittmer is Youth Ministry’s senior director — youth ministry specialist.

First Youth Corps event includes service, learning, community

The Aug. 11-17 pilot event is a prelude to more extended Lutheran Youth Corps service experiences planned for the future.

Photo gallery: Lutheran Youth Corps in Philadelphia

Thirteen LCMS young people, including two proctors, spent August 10-17, 2014, together in service, learning, and community during the pilot program for Lutheran Youth Corps, a project of LCMS Youth Ministry. Photographs by Erik M. Lunsford, staff photojournalist in LCMS Communications.

Youth and Education – August 2014

The LCMS, through its School Ministry and Youth Ministry, aims to help our young people grow in their faith as they age, not grow away from their faith.

First resources, logo for 2016 Youth Gathering available

Preliminary adult-leader planning resources are the first to appear on the website for the 2016 Gathering, to be followed by its first theological resource.

Youth Ministry revamps ‘’

The website offers Christ-centered resources for those who work with youth in the church — in congregations and beyond.

First Lutheran Youth Corps servant event is Aug. 11-17

Participants will provide mercy-and-service work with Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries and its member congregations in that city.