LCMS President

Message to the Church about demographic challenges we face

A portion of this “white paper” takes up the demographic challenge of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. I pray, that as we face challenges with the Word of God, we will continue to grow together in unity.

FAQs provide ‘Update on Licensed Lay Deacons’

The new online resource is available on the LCMS president’s webpage.

A prayer for peace in our nation

O Lord, grant justice in Your left-hand kingdom, especially in the governments of this nation and of all the earth. Correct wrong. Punish and thwart evil, and especially racist evil.

Supreme Court delivers landmark ruling in favor of LCMS church preschool

With the U.S. Supreme Court delivering its Trinity Lutheran Church ruling in favor of the church, the Synod will be looking at the specifics of the decision and its implications for religious liberty.

‘Boards and Business’ — LCMS Board of Directors

Actions at the Board’s May 19-20 meeting in St. Louis include adoption of a prudent, lean Synod budget, contingent on further expense reductions.

LCMS President Harrison comments after ruling in Judge Neely case

Wyoming Supreme Court censures local judge for her faith-based marriage view but allows her to remain municipal court judge.

Special mission journal explores LCMS membership decline

Demographic reports in this special December “Journal of Lutheran Mission” explain the main reasons behind the decline and offer suggestions for reversing the trend.

Convention endorses ‘mustache’ funding resolution

Convention delegates approve lighthearted resolution to raise funds for Concordia college and seminary scholarships.

Convention opening service unites delegates from every corner of Synod

Some 3,000 worshipers attend the July 9 opening service for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod’s 66th Regular Convention in Milwaukee.

FAQs address issues raised by former CCM members

An open letter to the Synod by three former members of the Commission on Constitutional Matters (CCM) has recently been widely disseminated.

President Harrison provides a Lutheran view of church and state

Dear Brothers in the Office of the Ministry, “I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from…

Harrison, Carlson decry abortion, sale of baby parts

Synod President Rev. Dr. Matthew C. Harrison and St. Louis Archbishop Robert J. Carlson release a joint statement Oct. 6 that speaks out against Planned Parenthood’s abortion practices.

Task-force report on licensed lay deacons available

The Resolution 4-06A Task Force’s 32-page report and a two-page executive summary of the report are available for download.

President Harrison offers words of comfort, hope regarding South Carolina shootings

We mourn the loss of these dear Christians in South Carolina, and we pray for their loved ones. May they be consoled by “the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting” and the picture of heaven painted by St. John in Revelation of “a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands” (Revelation 7:9).